Mulberry drink maintains blood vessels


Researchers at King & # 39; s College London conducted a study with the participation of German and Spanish scientists confirming that berry consumption could reduce the risk of heart disease.

The researchers found that fresh summer berries retain healthy blood vessels. (19659002) Researchers performed blood and urine tests on participants before drinking juice, two hours after drinking, and one day later.

The results of the participants who consumed the berry drink two hours later showed a better foot-and-mouth disease. The widening of the artery when blood flow increases, which is an indication of the health of the vessel wall

The researchers believe that if the berries can change long enough the arterial expansion This will reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 15%.

Another badysis showed that there was a marked increase in the urinalithine level in urinalin. For participants with improved arterial expansion. This process is produced by intestinal bacteria, where the body responds to a chemical found in berries called ellagitannins.

These results are added to the growing list of evidence on the benefits of consuming berries, especially red