Negative dollar stability against the US dollar in the last session of the week


The New Zealand dollar has fluctuated in a slightly bearish range against the US dollar following developments and economic data that followed the New Zealand economy and on the eve of developments and economic data expected Friday by the US economy, the world's largest economy.

At 14:26 GMT, the New Zealand dollar was down 0.03% to 0.6780 from the opening levels of 0.6778 after recording a low of 0.6765. At 0.6787.

The New Zealand economy followed the June manufacturing manufacturing index, a survey of manufacturers on the relative annual badessment of working conditions, including the labor market and production, as well as new orders, prices, suppliers and stocks. The gap narrowed to 52.8 from 54.4 in May.

On the other hand, markets are currently waiting for the US economy to publish the import price index, which could reflect a slowdown in growth to 0.1% vs. 0, 6% in May, while the annualized reading of the index could show an acceleration to 4.7% 4.3%, ahead of the preliminary reading of the consumer confidence index of the l 39; University of Michigan for July, which could reflect a narrowing to 98.1 from 98.2 in June.

before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs and the House of Representatives Financial Services Committee Jerome Powell and his presentation of the summary report of the Federal Reserve's monetary policy and economic outlook discussions { Jsid = & # 39; jsid = & # 39; {jsid = & # 39; jsid = & # 39; {id; js.async = true; js.src = ""; d.getElementsByTagName (& # 39; head & # 39;) [0] .appendChild (js);} (document)); [ad_2]
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