New Gene Therapy Restores People with Hearing Loss


Published on Wednesday 04 July, 2018 4:14 pm

  New gene therapy re-hearing the deaf

Treatment of the deaf people

News from the city: – Scientists have developed a new drug that can partially restore hearing of patients

A new study suggests that the drug can restore the hearing of deaf people by treating the genes responsible for keeping vital hair cells alive in the inner ear.

The study shows that a certain type of deafness Genetics, called "DFNA27", can be reversed by using a gene that "acts as a key" to treat deafness, according to L & # 39; One of the scientists

Thomas Friedman, co-author of the study, said: "We have been able to partially recover, especially at low frequencies, and preserve some sensory hair cells."

Although the study was conducted in rats, If other studies show that small molecule drugs are effective in the treatment of DFNA27 in humans, similar methods of recovery Hearing can be used in people with other forms of hereditary progressive deafness. "

Most causes of deafness are inherited% Of people, who (deafness) is largely incurable.

The team of scientists led a" The National Association of Deafness and other communication disorders in the United States tested mice infected with DNA (DFNA27) and discovered that a mutagenesis in this type of deafness prevented the production of hair cells from the ## EQU1 ## 39 inner ear by a process called REST.

The drug was later replaced by REST, which allowed the construction of new hair cells and partially recovered hearing

The researchers hope to use mice as a model for this specific type of deafness, especially in children born with this type of deafness. 19659013] (Fuchia)

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