New headquarters for the "Schengen" Fuchsia: France provides more than a third of visas


French Ambbadador Bruno Fuchs announced France's willingness to offer a better visa service to the Lebanese, pointing out that France is the fastest country for processing visa applications in the United States. Schengen Area in Lebanon.

Fuchia's speech was delivered at the opening of the new TLS center to welcome visa applicants, in the presence of Consul General Karim Ben Sheikh, President of TLS in France, and regional directors. The new center is located in central Beirut, a virgin megastore building near the hotel Le Gray, and will increase the reception conditions to keep up with the steady increase in the number visa applications. Compared to the old center, the area has reached 2,400 square meters, 1,200 meters in the old center, and the new space can accommodate 800 students per day.
The new TLS center reflects France's desire to provide a better visa service to the Lebanese, according to Foucier, who noted that "over eight years, the number of visas issued has more than doubled, from less than 25,000 in 2009 to more than 52000 in 2017 ".

"This year is no exception, we are now issuing 20 percent more applications than last year at the same date." By the end of the year, we should see a 20 per cent increase in the number of visas issued, one of the three entry visas issued in Lebanon is valid, that is 39, that is, valid for more than one year and up to four years, which allows frequent access to the Schengen area. "

"France alone provides more than a third of Schengen visas in Lebanon, because the rejection rate is the lowest in the Mediterranean, with around 3% against 13% in the world."

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