News 24 The arrest of an Iranian who has more gold than the reserves of some countries


<img clbad = "article-main-img" title = "القبض على إيراني يملك ذهبا أكبر من احتياطي بعض الدول" src = " The Iranian police announced on Wednesday (July 4th) the arrest of a man who had collected two tons of gold coins in the first half of the year. 10 months and that was nicknamed "the Sultan of the gold coins."

According to Fars News Agency General Hussein Rahimi, commander of the Homeland Security Forces of the capital Tehran, said that the The arrest took place on the first Tuesday and lasted about four months, after which he manipulated the market as he pleased by increasing and lowering the price

. "He is 58 years old and has a track record. his son was arrested for a time and was released in Kaffa

The Iranian authorities have been in operation for some time n time to fight manipulation and speculation on exchange rates and coins on the market

The amount of gold exceeds the reserves of some countries of the precious metal. The reserves of Yemen, Albania and El Salvador are only 1.6 tons of gold.

Iranians have accepted the purchase of gold coins as a safe investment instrument since the United States announced their withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran . Leading the way

The value of the US dollar on the Iranian currency market doubled to reach the rate of 81,000 riyals on the informal "black market" market on Wednesday, compared to about 43,000 riyals at the end of 2017. [19659002] Two weeks ago, major protests erupted in the Iranian markets: traders in the Tehran Grand Bazaar market closed their shops and joined the angry protests of the riyal collapse and high prices


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