Next Tuesday, the date of the election of parliamentary committees


President of the Lebanese Parliament: Next Tuesday the date of the election of parliamentary committees The Kingdom of the news, quoting the seventh day we publish the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament: Tuesday next election date of the parliamentary committees, the Lebanese Parliament Speaker: Tuesday next the date of the election of the parliamentary committees

The News Kingdom The Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, Nabih Berri, set the meeting of next Tuesday at the election of the parliamentary committees in the Council. Who was elected in May last year, in the hope that the file will be discussed delaying the formation of the government because of the political differences between the forces and the political and parliamentary blocs

Ali Beza – In his statements after his meeting with Ain al-Tina Wednesday noon – the parliamentary elections lasted two months, and more than a month and a half on the mandate of the Prime Minister, and then the President of the Council decided next Tuesday to elect commissions .

A development in the government file may call for a consultation session on this issue, "stressing that the Speaker of the House of Representatives as (19459004)
Lebanon is experiencing major political crises among the forces , currents and political parties, which differ in terms of quotas and ministerial sizes, and the quality of the bags that each party and party wants to obtain from the government, where the political factions of the Christian, Sunni and Druze communities differ in determining the government training criteria badigned to Prime Minister Saad Hariri on May 24.

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(19659007) Source: The seventh day