On the way to "the art of indifference" .. 5 books looking for ways to happiness


On the way to "the art of indifference" .. 5 books looking for ways to happiness telescope citing the summary that we are publishing on the road "the art of l & # 39; "Indifference" .. 5 books looking for ways to happiness. Ways to Happiness We send you our new News Today visitors through our telescope and start with the most important news, on the path of "the art of indifference" ..


"We must reject something" A phrase from the book "The Art of Indifference" by American writer Mark Manson, who gained great fame over the past few hours, and became the subject of the pioneers of networking sites social, after the Nash Mohamed Salah star, a player for Liverpool, his short blog photo "Twitter" site, in which he appears holding a dive read book, returning from a trip to Lebanon.

[19659003] The book is translated by the Lebanese Al-Harth Al-Nabhan into Arabic In the book "The Art of Incompetence", Manson presents the guide that makes us think that the key to power and happiness lies in order to achieve happiness and joy. [196] 59003]

Another book by the American writer Deepak Chopra, seeking to achieve joy by controlling the capabilities of the Mind, according to the human development coach, is the book of super brain or supernatural spirit. One of the unique things in the human brain is that it can only do what it thinks it can do, and that man can achieve joy through the perfect use. in the spirit. The American writer Wayne Dyer has many works in the same path of psychological peace research, the most important book of power of intention or power of determination, which is a practical guide to enable the person to achieve his goals Everything that appears in the spirit of ideas can be a reality as long as it does not violate the nature of the universe, which is conducive to the realization of dreams and the creation of joy.

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