Popular movements will continue to collect rights


A protest was held on Al-Nijmeh Square in front of Saida Municipality to "demand better power supply, start installing meters and establish non-unfair prices for generators" at the invitation of the Crisis Surveillance Commission. In the courtyard of the municipality of Sidon, but the security services have closed the building of the municipality, according to the organizers.

The Secretary General of the Nbaderite People's Organization, MP Osama Saad, participated in the sit-in, members of the Water and Electricity Monitoring Committee and a crowd of citizens.

Saad delivered a speech in which he said: "This sit-in is to ask three things: reduce the hours of rationing in Sidon and its region, and put pressure on the installation of counters for subscribers "Any price and avoid liability, and put people face the misuse of generators and pressure." He adds: "The Commission's decision to monitor the water and water crisis. In Saida, electricity was refused by the authorities, who refused to allow peaceful protesters to enter the municipal court, although they had the right to express their dissatisfaction. Great old and renewed crisis We tell officials that you prevent them from entering and holding peaceful sit-ins in the court of Saida municipality is illegal and unconstitutional because the Lebanese Constitution guarantees the right of citizens to protest peacefully and democrati only against the conditions that they suffer freely. According to a decision of the Minister of the Interior in 2006, if anyone wants to organize a sit-in, protest or any form of protest, inform the governor or the Minister of the Interior. And this information does not need to wait for approval, because approval is imperative only in case there are compelling security reasons to prevent movement.

He continued: "They must tell us what are the security reasons for Cairo, which prevent the protesters from entering and sitting in the courtyard of the Municipality of Sidon? note that the Security Council met a few days ago and took no decision for security reasons to prevent the sit-in protest, or security reasons for

The decision of the governor, the municipality and the authorities responsible for this decision is neither legal nor constitutional, yet we have not insisted on entering the municipality. in order to not cause any problem of the city is essential because it suffices to suffer from many chronic problems.

"Everyone should know that the SPLM has led the leaders to move, whether in terms of life." environment, electricity or water. And it suits us and the people of the city a great responsibility, we must intensify these popular movements because they understand only the language of the movements and the protests. "People should be at the heart of the equation, it is their opinion that will prevail in the city, people will decide all the problems of the city and they will look for solutions to their problems. We will go from the front and go from the front.

He added: "The security measures taken today are not justified, and if they thought it would scare people, we tell them that people will not intimidate them in their suffering. . "

and concluded," Just transcend and distinguish the decision, enough to shorten people. "The crises of life have lasted for years, and when we moved, they began to plan and deliberate in order to abort the SPLM, but this movement will not give up and will continue and grow, it is our decision.

The sit-in was initiated by a speech by Mohammed Qansu, who said: "For the second time, the mayor refuses to enter the courtyard of the municipality for reasons we know. warning against this blind prejudice, and those who decide to have the municipality to recalculate it.
Of the tragic situation that besets the city of Saïda, and because we are with you and with you, and because that the vase is so soft, Things do not reach a dead end. "

He adds:" Sidon wants to increase the hours of electricity supply to the city and industrial cities and commercial markets and neighborhoods, rush hours in Sidon exceeding 12 and 16 hours in some neighborhoods.This adds the other bitter reality of special generators and rising prices.In this context, we ask the 39, immediate installation of meters for subscribers We call on the Municipality of Sidon to play its role by issuing a fair price for generators and performing its tasks of monitoring the pricing and control of generators. "

At the end of the sit-in, a" free platform "in which a number of citizens expressed their suffering due to unfair rationing of electricity, increased the price of generators, disconnected homes for more than 15 days and spreading odors in the city. (function (d) {var js, id = facebook-jssdk if (d.getElementById (id)) {return;} js = d.createElement (& # 39;); js.id = id; js.async = true; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/ar_AR/all.js#appId=&xfbml = 1 "; d.getElementsByTagName (& # 39; head & # 39;) [0] .appendChild (js);} (document)); [ad_2]
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