Presentation of the "new" Evening News Tuesday, 24/07/2018


Prime Minister Saad Hariri soon met Baabda and announced that he was able to compose and hinted that he was following his contacts so that no one would think that he was wasting time or leaving them behind. Lebanese and their outstanding problems with emergency visits. According to the representative of the Future Bloc Dima Jamali, the appointed President will visit the President in the next two days to present to the President a new formula for the formation of the government and said that Hariri has transferred to the bloc today an atmosphere positive. And rebadured that the party is not hindered has left the head of the current Minister Gebran Bbadil in Washington today and told the media to the news that the visit was coordinated with Hariri and impose the trump cards on the ministers. As head of the bloc, Bbadil informed the president in charge of his willingness to stay in Beirut if there was something related to the bloc and because the situation was not the same, he continued to go to the US capital. The same circles add that government formation is known for sizes reflecting parliamentary representation of blocks, as shown by simple mathematical calculations. The decision is now made by the prime minister to allow detainees to exercise their political power over political blackmail.

In the badessment of MP George Adwan after his visit to Ein al-Tineh, there is nothing new in terms of paternity, and things are as if they were still in place. The government stuck in the bottleneck and while trying to throw the blame on each other and the new time of the obstruction leave? Where there are more opportunities but to mandate the Security Council to follow the anxiety that has begun about the fate of our government .. The Council with its fifteen members made it " Concerned Bal "is based on the records of" Alddni "and does not care about obstacles His explosive actions are distracted by the Security Council, the Security Council is a movement and a concern: dedicated masters prepare political angels for all their loyalties without paying attention to a country descended from Shufir and which has encountered the abyss. Its water .. in its darkness .. in the shores of the sold to adults .. Like "the forgotten people They do not know yet that the ministers, that they came in number … have become inferior to the Lebanese who do not care what they will gain from a political and perhaps financial livelihood.And in the old .. They had to be caught dead .. today, they do not win not .. Do not die .. Ministers live

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