Professor of Liver: Ulcerative Colitis is an Immune Disease that Affects Youth and Affects Their Lives


The 8th International Conference on Digestive Endoscopy, organized by the Unit of Digestive and Liver Diseases of the University of Mansoura, was chaired by Dr. Mohamed Qenaoui, President of the 39, University of Mansoura and hosted by experts from Lebanon, Turkey and Italy. Dr. Maha Maher, Professor of Liver and Gastroenterology and Director of the Al Batinah Specialist Hospital of Mansoura University, said that the workshop will be broadcast directly from the digestive unit. from Mansoura to exchange experiences and discuss modern techniques in the field of binoculars. During a special lecture on ulcerative colitis in elderly patients during the conference, she pointed out that ulcerative colitis is an immunological disease affecting young people and affecting their daily performance, indicating that older people can rarely come to them in the spirit. The difference between older people and young people and how to deal with the disease.

She added that the patient suffers from chronic diarrhea caused by weight loss and deprived of important nutrients, which results in the impact on the performance of the study. , Is the only one at the level of the Republic, [ad_2]
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