Reduced price of 95 gasoline and red fuel and gasoline price stability 98 octane – Al-Manar channel location – Lebanon


The price of a 95 octane gasoline plate, diesel, fuel oil and diesel dropped by 100 LBP, while the price of the octane number 98 it is stabilized


– 95 octane gasoline 28000 LP

– Diesel fuel for vehicles 19500 lire

– The price of the sale of petroleum derivatives on the Lebanese market, now: Lebanese

– A red oil of 19600 LBP [19659002] – A gas cylinder weighing ten kilograms of LBP 15,500 [196590] 02] – The price of a gas of 12.5 kilograms (12.55 kilograms) was not evaluated.

Prices are expected to fall next week, after the price of a barrel of US crude has now reached 73.44 US dollars

. Source: National Agency

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