Russia Finance buys $ 5.5 billion in foreign currency – Al Manar Channel – Lebanon


The Russian Finance Ministry announced that it plans to buy 15.8 billion rubles ($ 0.25 billion) of foreign exchange on the domestic market between 6 July and 6 August, for a total value of 347.7 billion rubles "The projected volume of additional oil and gas revenues from the federal budget, linked to the real rise in oil prices over the reference price, amounts to 387.3 billion rubles in July 2018. "
"The Gross Difference in Real Oil and Gas Revenues of the Monthly Volume It is expected that it will reach less than $ 39.6 billion [روبل، ما يعادل 0.626 مليار دولار] because of the decline in oil imports and its derivatives in relation to expectations. "
Russian finances of the last period, from June 7 to July 5, planned to buy 19 billion rubles The equivalent of $ 0.3 billion ) in the daily domestic market and the allocation of 379.7 billion rubles (equivalent to $ 6 billion).

Source: Sputnik

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