Saad participated in a sit-in protest to deal with the electricity crisis Economics


Sidon – Samer Zu & aitar:

The Place des Etoiles in Saida witnessed a sit-in in front of the building of the Municipality of Sidon to claim the improvement of the city. 39, electricity supply, installation of meters and the introduction of unfair pricing of generators. Water and electricity in Sidon, which was planned in the yard of the municipality of Saida, but the security services have closed the entrances to the municipal building.

The Secretary General of the Nbaderite People's Organization, Dr. Osama Saad, Citizens.

MP Saad delivered a speech It's a sit-in to demand three things: reduce rationing hours in Sidon and its region, require the installation of wickets for subscribers and ask the municipality to set a fair price for producers, not like last month. Arbitrary and pressure generators. The committee's decision to monitor the water and electricity crises in Sidon was a sit-in in the municipality of Sidon, but the authorities refused and refused to peaceful protesters to enter the municipal court although they may protest against existing conditions in the electricity and generators. Super old and renewed. We tell officials that you prevent entering and sitting peacefully in the yard of the municipality of Saida is illegal and unconstitutional. Because the Lebanese Constitution guarantees the right of citizens to protest peacefully and democratically against the situation in which they suffer and freely. A decision of the Interior Minister of 2006 says that if anyone wants to hold a sit-in, protest or any form of protest, inform the governor or minister of the interior. "This media does not have to wait, because approval is imperative only if there are compelling security reasons to prevent such action."

It is the SPLM that has pushed public servants to move, whether in the environment, electricity or water. It is a great responsibility for us and the people of the city, we must intensify these popular movements because they understand only the language of the movements and protests. People should be at the heart of the equation, and it is the opinion of the people who will prevail in the city, people will decide all the issues of the city, and they will look for solutions to the problems of the city. We will go forward and intensify our movements, the security measures taken today would be unjustified and if they thought that they would intimidate people, we would tell them that people would not intimidate them against their suffering. "

The sit-in was preceded by a speech by Muhammad Qansu Where: Sidon wants to increase the electricity supply hours of the city and industrial cities and commercial markets and the neighborhood, the hours in Sidon exceed 12 and 16 hours in some neighborhoods.

At the end of the sit-in, a number of citizens reported their suffering due to unjust rationing of food. electricity, increasing the price of generators, disconnecting homes for more than 15 days and spreading foul odors in the city.

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