SABIC announces its contribution to the sustainability of energy efficiency at an international forum in New York


SABIC reviews its contribution to the sustainability of energy efficiency in front of an international forum in New York

Sunday – 2 Dhul Qa 'da 1439 – 15 July 2018 Publication Number [

Riyadh : "Middle East"

Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC), one of the largest non-oil industrial companies in the Middle East, reviewed its contribution to sustainability and energy efficiency at the High-Level Political Forum UN level on sustainable development held in New York. Energy in Saudi Arabia ", in conjunction with the work of the Forum.
Yusuf Al Bunyan, Vice President and CEO of the Company, explained during the participation: "Establish a culture of sustainability and sustainable practices in the operations of the company. Its workers have achieved energy savings, operating costs, resource efficiency and technical innovation, "he added, adding The company continued to "improve its environmental and social performance.
Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia, and Aqua Power, at a roundtable on "Energy in Saudi Arabia," led by engineer Mustafa Bin Ali Al Shehri, senior director, Middle East and sustainable development in Africa. Eng Hamed bin Atteya Al Harthy, senior director of sustainability management, in his presentation at a high-level presence at the Forum's side event, highlighted SABIC's efforts to achieve sustainability in order to achieve sustainability. Ensuring that the Kingdom continues to achieve greater self-sufficiency, Vision 2030, launched by the Kingdom about two years ago, to achieve a change in the course of the national economy, and ensure the highest levels of performance In all areas. Al-Harithi emphasized that linking business growth with corporate sustainability goals and SABIC's direct and indirect contribution to sustainable development helps the company identify product demand, market opportunities emerging, risk management,
He added that the company wants to make sure that its badets are based on the best technologies in energy efficiency and that it checks the energy. 39 integration of site badets and region to create maximum energy efficiency, support the acquisition of energy-efficient products and services. Al-Harithi reviewed some practical examples of SABIC's efforts and contributions to sustainability, including energy efficiency. SABIC owns the world's largest carbon dioxide collection and purification facility capable of collecting and purify 500,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year To be used as valuable materials for the production of useful chemicals. And the Cairns Power Station in Mount Vernon, Indiana, which provides 80% of the electricity and steam demand and eliminates the use of coal in this region. And the "ICEhouse", presented by SABIC at the Davos Economic Forum in 2016, as an innovative building model that preserves materials and energy, takes advantage of SABIC's extensive solutions and achieves the concept of circular economy. without being affected by material scarcity issues Costs, through the use of products that can be restored and are inherently recyclable and recyclable. Al-Harithi mentioned some of SABIC's operational sustainability indicators, including a 55% reduction in gas emissions in the Kingdom since 2010, a total of 780,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year and an investment of 85%. millions of dollars in refining. Energy efficiency in the fourth olefin plant in the Netherlands, use of gas in steel and iron production and reduction of 200 000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year.
The UN High Level Political Forum is the main platform for sustainable development. And Sustainable Development Sustainable development for the year 2030, which encourages Member States to "conduct a systematic and comprehensive review of progress towards sustainable development."

Saudi Arabia

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