Samsung returns with an unbreakable steel screen


Smartphone screens can be broken, thanks to a new development of Samsung Phones, where the Korean handset manufacturer unveiled a new, collapsible, unbreakable "OLED" display that will be used on smartphones.

The screen that was created is unbreakable, where it can be dropped 26 times over a height of 1.2 meters without hurting it.The new screen, developed by the company "Samsung Display" in South Korea is innovative and has a transparent cover According to the "Mirror".

The main purpose of its creation was to form a N is a more robust, rugged and robust screen, verified by the OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the US Department of Labor), where the screen has undergone rigorous durability tests based on military standards of the US Department of Defense.The screen was produced from temperature tests , and The screen has a temperature of 71 ° C and a temperature below 12 ° C. Samsung has not provided much details on this screen, but says that the break-resistant plate has been developed Basic and unbreakable

In addition to its use in smartphones, the tablet will also be used for tablets, monitors in the car and portable gaming devices, as well as mobile devices used by the military. "The window," said Hoong Kim, general manager of Samsung. Reinforced plastic is particularly suitable for portable electronic devices, not only because of its unbreakable properties, but also because of its lightfastness, transmission and toughness, all similar to glbad. "

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