Scientists make a motor for popcorn robots


  Scientists Make the Engine for Popcorn Robots

Cornell University

Scientists from Cornell University in the United States have shown that the use of corn kernels was a driving force for robots, according to the IEEE Spectrum.

Scientists have suggested using corn energy to move the robots, after studying three types of corn kernels and four ways to heat them, and how these methods affect their expansion (heating to hot air, oil or microwaves).

On this basis, scientists have developed prototypes of tubular motors driven by the expansion of hot corn kernels, and one of the innovative motors raised a load of 100 grams using 36 atoms. Steamed starch becomes lighter, but the hard shell of the seed annoys When it is heated to 200 ° C, the grain of the grain explodes when steam and starch expand together.

After cooling corn, it forms a larger matrix than the initial grain size, pushing the expansion of structure and formation

Source: Linta. R =

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