Secrets of Illegal Gambling: Earning the First Time and Prostitution!


Small shops, no bustle and no features of the insane spread. The lights that adorn the faces and colors that show the pleasure, forget the moment when you will enrich what you have entered, forget the worries of life will be reflected in the walls, to be surprised later that they are only a cave to attract people and take refuge in them. Between your houses, next to your churches, between your commercial shops and your institutes, do not be ashamed of the sacredness of a temple or the intimacy of a home, they want simply accomplish their mission "Maviosi" in the gambling shops, choosing Dekwana. Find here the lost consciousness of the environment incubator to spread their corruption protected by political power, not dissuaded by the law and the movements of some people not even a red candle lock their shops, they know that & # 039; They are in Lebanon where corruption is an badyst and where their parents can give them Attract their customers: drugs, leave

The Dekwana region, aspiring to become a "model city" and now endowed with the necessary standards Indeed, could be one of the biggest victims of this case, with about 11 A stock of games, between houses, churches and shops, except that a few minors penetrate and spread the arms and drug traffickers who take advantage of the situation of some losers and attempt them with their wares "to please Rasen", if we ignore the fancy vendors The doors of the buildings, according to witnesses.

War The mayor of Dekwana, Antoine Shakhtoura, is the one who opened this war since 2011. He points out to the republic that "we closed these shops in December 2017. But before the elections, he reopened after a decision "As I promised to the citizens, I will fight everything that harms families and the community. As mayor, I am responsible for ethics in my field. I will complete my appeal to help the administrative judiciary and those affected by gambling that some are trying to name. "Fun Games" and prostitution and drugs. "[1"Certainespersonnesignorentquecesmagasinssontdesarmesdedestructionmbadiveetquelaviedeleursdirigeantsestdangereusesurtoutsilesdétenteursdecesarmesperdentconsciencedurésultatdusucreetdeladrogueetdelaréouverturedelaguerrecontreeux"C'estseulementparcequequelqu'unaétéabattudevantunmagasinetunecbadettevidéoenmapossession"

The elections in Lebanon have another taste: the corruption of this period is publicly open for votes. That the reopening of these stores is tied to the election period to close b Of the 11 stores that were closed in 2017, they were reopened all day and still catching customers and hanging them in their skirts.

So, it's the "power" of the Lebanese, the power that leaders pursue. The licenses for these stores are automatically illegal because their location is not 100 meters away as a fire line for places of worship, residential buildings and institutes as required by law, but this has prompted influential people to share the law and account. These are 100 meters across the speedometer in the car Read the full text Click here


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