Security forces: The harassed child left his mother a residence permit and had time to settle her situation


The General Directorate of Internal Security Forces – Public Relations Division has published an explanation on some social media regarding the arrest of the harbaded child and his mother. "The mother of the 11-year-old Syrian child who was harbaded, (1980, Syria), complained against the Basta squad in the Beirut Police Unit. The investigation was conducted and The arrest of the AA stalker (born in 1955, Lebanese) was referred to the Bureau of Trafficking in Persons and the Protection of the Arts, to extend his investigation and take the necessary measures against him.

L & # 39, child and his mother were also left with a warrant And that they had 15 days to settle their situation, because of their illegal residence and their illegal entry into Lebanese territory, on the basis of a reference from the competent judiciary. "

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