Serious damage is caused by the delayed dinner meal – the new morning paper


July 22, 2018


A recent medical study found that serious damage is caused by late dinner until midnight or even a snack before bedtime.
A team of Spanish researchers discovered that Eat regularly between 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm, reducing the risk of bad cancer by 25% in women or men with prostate.
The team from the Higher Institute of Health of the University of Barcelona explained that late meals and beyond accelerate the metabolism during the sleep period After dinner , which leads to an imbalance in the work of body hormones, often treated with a testosterone imbalance or estrogen blockage.
Hormones stimulate us to sleep or make us feel hungry and stressed, and can therefore be related to the rhythms of the body clock in the body According to the "Independent" newspaper, the study has achieved its results after have studied the case of 1800 bad and prostate cancer patients, and 2000 people do not suffer from these diseases, follow eating habits and sleep.
Manolis Kogevinas, one of the authors of the study that the results of their research concluded "The commitment to daily meal habits reduces the risk of cancer", did he says, adding "the importance of badessing the daily pace in studies on diet and cancer."


The New Sabah Newspaper is an independent political daily newspaper published in Baghdad and distributed throughout Iraq.
Its publisher and founder, Ismail Zayer.
Was founded in 2004. It is written by great writers and writers Iraqi and Arab.
The newspaper has an appendix, a weekly supplement published every Thursday.

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