Sheikh Maher Hamoud receives the delegation of forces of the Palestinian coalition


The President of the World Union of Resistance Researchers, Sheikh Maher Hammoud, received at his office in Saida, Sidon, a delegation from the Palestinian Coalition Forces: Coalition Secretary Walid Juma, Ayman Shana & A, Abu Hbadan Kurd, Ahmed Nbadar, Ammar Houran and Abu Bbadam Al-Maqdah They thanked him for the constant interest in camp issues and presented some issues that should be addressed such as overpopulation, Al-Tiri and all around him

His Eminence expresses his affirmation of the need to pursue all national actions aimed at unifying the Palestinian forces in the face of problems that should not be delayed by political difference. The brain It is dead, and it is therefore necessary to reestablish the joint action as soon as possible to deal with any defect and any problem that may lead to a unified position, for example the senseless bullets that hit a citizen in Saida a few days ago. Media and activists in the field of Quranic science, Dr. Hussein Bahmad and the Iranian media director of the former Al-Thaqlin satellite station in Lebanon Ali Nurreddin Mirzadeh have presented their projects in the field of science. teaching of the Koran and its recitations. Proliferation

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