Shepherd Amal in the Salvation of the Fatherland and the Formation of a Government: Politics Must Heal Because It Suffers Corruption


The Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Mar Bishara Boutros Al-Ra's, expressed his hope for "the salvation of the motherland and the formation of a government as soon as possible to carry out the necessary reforms so to obtain material aid. Whatever the challenges, "stressing that" the policy needs hospitalization because it suffers from corruption and seeks personal interests to the detriment of the public interest, and politicians to the Enmity between them. "He called the new departments of Zugharta University Hospital to" build internal unity and avoid the dichotomy and exclusion because Lebanon is multi-sectarian and contrary to the Constitution and to the chart".
She saluted and martyred the martyrs of the army who fell for the defense of the homeland, as well as the martyrs who died in the war in 1975 for the defense of Zghorta Zawiya and the number of achievements in the building and the medical hospital, "This gives us the joy and pride of being one of the largest hospitals in Lebanon". He said that "the establishment of the church to establish this hospital is the fulfillment of the Christian health mission", appealing to the ministries of health and money to pay the obligations to hospitals.

The shepherd visited the monastery of St. Antonius Kozia the night before, where the priests of the feast blessed their spiritual activities. He was received by Rev. Nemat Allah Al-Hashem, the Abbot, the monks and the Custody of the Holy Valley, accompanied by the Patriarchal Vicar of Bishop Jibba, Joseph Naffa

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