Silver prices fell for the first time in four sessions, outpacing the steady decline in the dollar index from the year's highs


Money futures fluctuated within a narrow sliding range in the US session, taking the fourth consecutive weekly loss, reversing the fourth-session decline of the US dollar in seven sessions from its highest since the July 14, according to the inverse relationship Following the evolution and economic data that followed Friday on the US economy, the world's largest economy.

Silver option futures for delivery in September fell 0.29% to trade at $ 16.05 an ounce against opening at $ 16.10. Ounce, while the dollar index fell 0.36% to 94.05, the lowest level since June 14 compared to opening at 94.39.

The US economy, the world's largest economy, reported June labor market data showing an increase in unemployment to 4.0% from the previous May and expectations for a third consecutive month of stability Since the end of 2000 at 3.8%, while the average hourly income index showed a slowdown in growth to 0.2% over the previous reading and expectations of 0.3%.

In the same context, we also followed the publication of the Change in Nonagriculture sector index, which shows a pace of job creation slower than in 2013 compared to 244,000 jobs created in May, exceeding expectations by 195,000 additional jobs, This came to add to the trade balance index which indicates a contraction of the deficit from 46.1 billion dollars in April to 43.1 billion dollars, exceeding forecasts by $ 43.6 billion.

This comes a few hours after the Federal Reserve unveiled Thursday the absence of the US market Wednesday because of the Independence Day there of the minutes of the meeting of the Federal Committee held on the 12th. -13 June through which policymakers The Federal Reserve's 25-basis-point hike for the second time this year is between 1.75% and 2.00%, which was expected by badysts.

The members of the Federal Committee noted in the minutes to tighten monetary policy and multiply the opportunities for rate hikes on federal funds four times this year against three times earlier than in 2017 with the US economic recovery, Which are in the FIC for their expectations at their last meeting the pace of growth and inflation, the future of interest rates and the reduction of unemployment rates for the three coming years. {return;} js = d.createElement (& # 39; script & # 39;); = id; js.async = true; js.src = " & xfbml = 1"; d.getElementsB yTagName (& # 39; head & # 39;) [0] .appendChild (js);} (document)); [ad_2]
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