Sino-US war shifts European equities

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(Reuters – The German Stoxx 600 index has dropped 1%, the German DAX index of exporting companies has dropped 1.2% and the British Financial Times 100% 1%, according to Reuters.

All Europe's sectors fell and the shares of the companies most exposed to tariffs recorded the largest decline in the Stokes index

The core resource index fell by 2, 6% and 1.5% auto industry index.

Endeavor lost about a third of its value after drug maker said 2018 earnings would be below expectations after being affected by publishing quality copies of its best-selling drug in the US Berberi dropped 4.4% after the luxury retailer announced a e update on first quarter data.

Barat Developments grew more than 2% after the company announced a 9% increase in profits.

China pledged Wednesday in the United States "measures In response to Washington's preparation of a list of goods the United States imports $ 200 billion a year, in order to impose a right Customs duty of 10% from September.


The German index Stoxx 600 fell 1%, the German DAX index of exporting companies fell 1.2 %, and the British Financial Times 100 fell by 1%, according to Reuters.

European Sectors The shares of the companies most exposed to tariffs were the largest declines in the Stokes index.

L & # 39; Qata index fell The core resources were 2.6% and the auto sector index was 1.5%

Indyfore lost about a third of its value after the pharmaceutical industry announced that the profits of 2018 would be lower.

Berber decreased by 4.4 percent after the company luxury goods tee announced an update on first quarter data.

Barrett shares rose, the British company "Development" to build more than two percent, after the company said China has promised "countermeasures" in response to the preparation by Washington of A list of goods from which the United States imports $ 200 billion a year, with the aim of imposing a 10% tariff. Percentage at September

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