So it will be the time of the weekend


The Meteorological Department estimates that the weather will be Saturday, sunny to a few clouds with local fog over the highlands and little change in temperature, and sometimes wind.

General situation: The normal and humid summer climate controls the eastern basin of the Mediterranean in the coming days.

The maximum temperature on the coast during the month of July is 32 degrees Celsius.

Weather Forecast in Lebanon:

Friday: Sunny to a few clouds with local fog over the highlands and little change in temperature, and sometimes wind.

Saturday: Cloudy with some clouds with local fog over the highlands and little change in temperature, and sometimes wind.

Sunday: Few clouds with fog on the high plateaus and temperature stability.

Temperatures expected on the coast are 22 to 31 degrees, in the mountains 19 to 29 degrees, cedar 12 to 24 degrees, and 19 to 34 degrees inland.

Wind: Southwesterly active, speed between 15 km and 40 km / h

Decrease: Good on the coast, located in the highlands due to fog.

Relative humidity of the coast: between 60 and 85%.

Sea state: low to corrugated Water surface temperature: 27 ° C

Atmospheric pressure: 755 mm Hg.

Sunrise time: 5.33 hours Sunset from the sea sun: 19,52

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