Social networks "Cocaine". Is phone dependency managed?


Is addiction to social networking platforms a natural evolution of the communications revolution at the end of the 20th century or is it just a coincidence?

Former high-tech workers view the brain as a brain

What makes you come back, come back and come back to use them, "says Aga Raskin, a former engineer at Motzilla, the methods used by technology companies to attract consumers.

Raskin explains in an interview with the BBC that "Engineers are working to make this thing as addictive as possible"

Raskin designed in 2006 for Humanized, the function of scrolling the Infinite Scroll without having need to press the controls.

This innovation has prompted users to use social and other applications on their phones and devices.

Aza Raskin, the best designer of Silicon Valley, says that social media companies

watch smartphones: The Dark Side at 19h on BBCOne .

– Panorama ? (@BBCPanorama) July 3, 2018

He adds that this behavior of users profits financially to the technological companies, and explains: "To increase the price of shares (companies) "In the stock market, the time spent by people on the application has to increase."

Raskin agrees with former Facebook employee Sandy Barakilas, who said that he and others in the company understood the dangers of the famous social networking platform. "He tried to stop using the Facebook application after leaving the company and had difficulties: "It's like we're literally quitting."

(Facebook) is designed to "make you spend as much of your life as possible" (on the platform). form) and then market it to advertisers. "

But Facebook For her part, she says her products are designed to "bring people closer to their friends and family and what interests them."

Exception and Exploitation

The company sought to exploit the need of people to evaluate others, describing it as "exploiting this weakness of the human psyche".

One of these methods of evaluation is the "admiration" button in which I participated.

Perleman says she's become addicted to social networking platforms in an effort to "admire" what she publishes, according to the CNN website.

"Facebook will soon change its user policy," said Mark Zuckerberg, site founder and Mark Zuckerberg.

Zuckerberg said in a January article that the company "makes changes that reduce the time spent on Facebook by about 50 million hours each day."

Middle East Crisis?

In the Middle East, the use of communication platforms Reach to the maximum. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, two Arab countries are at the top of the list for the use of social networking platforms by adults.

Jordan tops the list with 75%, followed by Lebanon with 72%

Compared to other regions of the world, the two leading countries in the ranking have no advanced economy. report to third countries of America, Australia and South Korea

The study adds that five countries in the Middle East and North Africa were included in the 39; study. Average rate Using its social networking platforms to 68%.

This makes them more vulnerable to "addiction" to social networking platforms that are warned by former workers in the world's largest technology companies.

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