Spanish study: olive fights cancer


RAMALLAH – "Since time immemorial, the olive tree is known for its varied health benefits and has been widely used as an antidote and treatment for many diseases and human health complications, and its use has been used in eastern and western societies as an antidote.For inflammation and oxidation as the best types of healthy, safe and friendly fats for the human body.

Finally, Spanish scientists of the I & # 39; University of Barcelona confirming the existence of new benefits for the health of the olive have doubled the nutritional and therapeutic value, thus confirming its contribution to the fight against cancer and cell proliferation.

Recent Developments Scientists have led to the promotion of the addition of olives as a key element in the diet of humans, because of its ability to destroy cells cancer and inhibit the development of cancerous tumors. According to the results of the study, olive skin is the most useful because it consists of 80 percent of the olive oil acid, which helps to strengthen the body's protection against the development of colon and bad cancer.

In addition, olives contain many substances and vitamins that humans need, as well as an important source of vitamin E, which positively affects brain and lung functions and increases production rates of Red cells.

"These results have raised several questions about the discrepancies that have been made in previous studies, some of which have talked about the role of the oriental diet rich in olive oil in preventing bad cancer, some researchers have confirmed they can not prove it.Javier Mendez, professor at the Catalan Institute of Hematology of Girona, Spain, and supervisor of the study, who wanted to resolve the controversy and prove in a subsequent statement the ability of olive oil to reduce from 20 to 30% of the incidence of cancer D.


But Javier also warns of something d? important limiting the effectiveness of olive oil: "Do not understand that eating too much virgin olive oil can prevent or completely cure bad cancer, carcinogenic compound of the cicoridosis, which is found in this oil, is rapidly damaged and thus loses its effectiveness.These compounds will therefore not be useful if they are consumed with food, as in the synthesis of anticancer drugs

According to Gizunde Ernerong "The German specialist of nutrition, the health benefits of olives are not limited to the reduction of starch

The site attributes the extensive therapeutic benefits of olives to a substance called hydroxystrozole, which is used to reduce the risk of heart disease , C is a nutrient that is available in various varieties of olives, plays a central role in the prevention of cancer, and also ranks olives at the forefront of foods that protect against osteoporosis.

In addition to the color, size and processing of olives, they are a rich source of food, as they are characterized by their ability to strengthen the heart and immune system, as well as the health benefits mentioned above. . {Jsid = id; jsid = id = & # 39; facebook-jssdk & # 39 ;; if (d.getElementById (id)) {return;} js = d.createElement (& # 39; script & # 39;); .async = true; js.src = "";d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild (js); } (document)); [ad_2]
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