Strengthen the capacity of the Lebanese Armed Forces


UNIFIL announced that "the head of his mission and his commander-in-chief, General Michael Perry, met today as part of his farewell visit to Lebanese officials, the President Michel Aoun and other senior officials in Beirut ".
(19659003) UNIFIL noted in a statement that "at other separate meetings, the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) The UNIFIL Head of Mission also met with the Minister of Defense of the Government Interim Ya-Qoub Al-Sarraf and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants of the Interim Government, Gebran Bbadil, and thanked the Lebanese Government for the execution of the tasks badigned to UNIFIL.The efforts of the Lebanese Armed Forces , strategic partner of UNIFIL, and stressed the importance of Lebanon's continued progress in strengthening the capabilities of the forces "The Lebanese Armed Forces have made significant progress."

Perry said: "The last years have witnessed a period of stability and calm unprecedented in the region, the statement said that "here the date of his departure on August 7, the head of UNIFIL pursue his talks with Lebanese officials, members of the diplomatic corps and his teammates ", noting that Perry" is leaving UNIFIL after spending two years as head of the United Nations peacekeeping mission; He served three times in southern Lebanon. This post will be held by Major General Stefano del Colle of Italy. "

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