Synthetic meat on the markets soon! The Alankabout Spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


The Dutch company Mosa Meat has received funding of about $ 10 million for the production of artificial beef for burger restaurants in commercial quantities.

The Daily Mail reports that Mosa Meat researchers, who have made a breakthrough for their company, have long been waiting for the production of artificial meat and their entry into the food market by 2021. Restaurants will be their first customers in this field .

The method of producing artificial meat is very simple, according to scientists: the general structure of the meat is formed by the collection of stem cells from the muscle tissue of normal cows, then by the regeneration of the cells (split and multiplication ).

Originally, scientists devised the technique to prepare astronaut meals, but they drew the attention of investors to meat production for food markets.

The researchers pointed out that this product will become familiar to people in commercial meat markets around the world, having pbaded through all stages of ratification by the relevant authorities, and can produce chicken meat in this way as well. .

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