Syria News All preparations completed at new border crossing point to receive hundreds of displaced Syrians from Lebanon


Damascus Campaign – SANA

The SANA correspondent reports that all preparations have been completed at the new border crossing point to accommodate hundreds of displaced Syrians from Lebanon to transport them to their homes. they had fled earlier.

A new batch of Syrians displaced by the Zomrani crossing from Lebanese territory returned to their villages and towns in Qalamoun district in the Syrian countryside as part of government efforts to restore normality in these areas after reestablishing the security and stability.

Loma News Loma News and completely responsible for the content of the news Syria News Completion of all preparations for the new border Jabos to receive hundreds of displaced Syrians from Lebanon The original publisher is responsible for copyright and intellectual property rights news. This news has been transmitted automatically.If you have news and want to delete or delete, s & rsquo; Please refer to the original source of the story first [ad_2]
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