tayyar.org – Government Selection …


Sources close to the "brigade" stressed that Prime Minister Hariri's speech on the preparation of President Aoun is closer to reality, although it is confirmed that Prime Minister Hariri will be informed of the results. of his consultations. Talks with Lebanese Forces Party leader Samir Geagea and Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblatt yesterday in the "Center House"

She explained that Presidents Aoun and Hariri will discuss the government file and the contract The government

drew attention to the more so as there is no information on new initiatives to be addressed and that all issues are subject to this. that could be the meeting today, although the information was likely to subject Hariri to the President of the Republic a new government formation based on the grant And the Progressive Socialist Party gave the three portfolios allocated to the sect Druze, as long as he considered the Socialist Party as the only legitimate representative of the Druze community.

The Free Patriotic Movement will have seven portfolios according to the new composition, one of which is sovereign, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and three portfolios on the part of the president, including the Deputy Prime Minister, the faction al – Marda has a minister, And Shiites at the rate of 6 bags each, without any representation of the year outside the "Future".

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