Technology companies must provide more digital evidence


US law enforcement agencies are increasingly demanding technology companies that they get digital evidence, information from phones, devices and devices. 39, mobile applications that they develop. According to a recent study conducted by the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies, law enforcement agencies have access to digital evidence at the same pace as in previous years.

The study found that law enforcement officials at all levels, including local, state or federal agencies, submitted more than 130,000 requests for digital evidence of six of the largest technology companies in the world. And companies have accepted most of these requests up to 80%.

These applications were sent to various technology companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Microsoft, Google and Verizon's Oath. Communication companies such as Comcast, Verizon and AT & T were also contacted to identify users and provide location data. For more than 500,000 times last year.

"Digital evidence will become more relevant as our lives connect to the Internet, and the proliferation of related devices will increase." The crackdown must evolve to keep pace with changes in the world and the relationship between organizations. 39 law enforcement and major service providers Protecting the rule of law and public safety, as well as privacy and civil liberties. "

The information shows that the number of self-reported applications by technology companies has increased significantly over time: according to the study, in 2016, agencies sent nearly 110,000 requests , while in 2015, only 96,000 applications were received, and the overall response rate and technology rejection rate for these applications was constant.

The FBI and Other Organizations D & # 39; Law enforcement continue to require technology companies to help them obtain location data, historical browsing and coded communications within agencies when they are investigating Suspected criminals and terrorists.

The FBI collided with Apple in 2016 and ordered a court order to help him extract the phone data from Mr. Farouk, one of the attackers. the incident of San Bernardino. Extract phone data.

The study, based on information from technology companies and other sources, called on the National Office of Digital Evidence to develop national policies and support training programs on the collection of digital evidence, as well as the development of badytical tools. In the field of law enforcement, their management has struggled to identify service providers who can access the digital evidence they want. According to Jennifer Daskal, one of the authors of the study, 25% of those surveyed said it was difficult to obtain relevant digital evidence from service providers. That the lack of knowledge agencies with digital evidence can lead to information requests that seem important enough for technology companies. "

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