Tehran calls on the UN to fulfill its duty vis-à-vis Iranian diplomats kidnapped – Fars News Agency Fars News Agency


In a statement marking the 36th anniversary of the abduction of four Iranian diplomats from Lebanese territory and their transfer to the occupied territories, the Iranian Foreign Ministry declared this year, July 5, the memory of Mohsen Mousavi and Ahmed Mtusalian,
The statement adds that the abduction was carried out by the agents of the Zionist entity the usurper in July 1982 in the occupied part of Lebanese territory, the l '. Zionist entity, while this entity represents its inhuman crimes and practices and violations of international laws. "Iran has expressed its thanks for the efforts of the Lebanese Government in recent years to discover the facts related to the abduction of the four Iranian diplomats, in particular the letter sent by the Lebanese Government to the Secretary-General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference The United Nations on September 13, 2008, in support of their abduction on Lebanese territory, claiming that the kidnapping took place in the occupied part of Lebanese territory by l & # 39; Zionist entity of the time, and holds full legal responsibility for this entity [19] .The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs renewed its proposal to create an international commission of inquiry charged with to examine the aspects of this issue, inviting the United Nations Secretary-General, the International Red Cross and other human rights organizations to resign Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Four diplomats kidnapped

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