The accusation of Bassil's forces is a misunderstanding


A member of the powerful Lebanese bloc, MP George Attallah, said that "to accuse the Lebanese Forces Party, Minister Gebran Bbadil, of ruining Maarab's understanding, is totally rejected and paid back to its owners, in order to clarify Some points of disagreement Basil, He said that the understanding of Maarab is not only an agreement on the allocation of quotas, but an agreement on a number of political elements that have not were respected by the forces, which led everyone to solve additional details. "

In an interview with the newspaper Al-Anbaa, Atallah said that the concentration of troops in Iraq, On the provisions of the distribution of ministerial seats in the deal without political elements, is evidence that the forces attempt to split the deal to deceive public opinion in order to achieve narrow political gains to the detriment of what has been agreed in the Maghreb.Relieve from corruption and correct the plan of electricity and hold press conferences for the same purpose, is the peak of misleading public opinion, especially since the ministers of forces have signed in the Council of Ministers on the plan and "The formation of governments in any country in the world is subject to certain criteria and political conditions, especially in Lebanon where democracy known as consensual or exceptional is more precise. All in the government, which is pushing political parties to raise the ceiling of their claims to reach the minimum acceptable, "expressing" the hope of reaching a new mechanism to form a new government in the form of an amendment to the Constitution does not detract from taboos, Follow the development requires constitutional amendments that enrich the public good Divert the attention of the powers of the body. Function WindowResize ()

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