The Australian dollar rose for the fourth consecutive session against the US dollar


The Australian dollar has advanced in seven sessions since its lowest level since January 9, 2017 against the US dollar after the developments and economic data that followed Tuesday on the Australian economy and the day before data from the US job market with the disclosure of statistics on job opportunities and rotation of job opportunities.

At 3:20 GMT GMT, the AUDUSD rose 0.17% to 0.7480 from open levels at 0.7467 after the pair hit a high of 0.7482 , while its lowest at 0.7460.

We followed the Australian economy by reading the Business Confidence Index published by the National Bank of Australia for the month of June, which showed a contraction of the width at 6 against 7 last May, while clarifying The same index of confidence in the conditions of stability in the stability of the value of 15.

This comes a few hours after the speech of the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Australia Michelle Pollock on financial technologies and the organization of payments at the summit of Bond Vantik, Shanghai Financial on the prowess to speak at this summit, expressed with Kun theme The summit is the new financing, new technology and new trends.

Pollock stated that the Summit theme reflected current industry stimulus, but regulators wanted to promote innovation while ensuring that payment systems remained safe for the future. users and that there was room for competition. Level before facing the challenges facing those who are industrialized and how the point of view of Central Australia.

The regulatory framework of the Australian Payments and Basic Services Center which constitutes the payments is as follows: Australia's payment system, the strong formation of retail payments and the implications of the payment system of Australia. detail. In particular, the logical question is: what are the implications of policy and regulation? The challenges to balancing innovation and organization lie in the implications of efficient payment systems, security, flexibility and financial regulation, Bullock explained, explaining that there are Many changes in retail payments, adding that financial technology facilitates The notoriety of regulators in Australia and in other countries encourages them to innovate, as regulators must keep up with this rapidly changing world and its impact on the world. efficiency and security of payment systems.

On the other hand, markets are currently waiting for the US economy, the world's largest economy, a statistical reading of May's employment opportunities and turnover. which could reach 6.88 million against 6.70 million in April. This comes a few hours after the publication of the US labor market data for the month of June last Friday.

which shows a rise in unemployment to 4.0% compared to the previous month of May and expectations of stability for the third consecutive month, the lowest since the end of 2000 at 3.8%, while the reading of The index The slowdown slowed growth to 0.2% from the previous May reading and expectations to 0.3%.

In the same context, the Nonagricultural Change Index of Non-Agricultural Sector Change showed a slowdown in job creation last year to 213,000 jobs versus about 244,000 jobs in May, 195,000 jobs added, a few hours after the Reserve Bank unveiled Thursday the minutes of the meeting of the Federal Committee on June 12 and 13.

Fed monetary policy officials raised interest rates by 25 basis points for the second time this year, to 1.75% to 2.00%, which was expected by Analysts, members of the Federal Open Market Committee are going ahead with tighter monetary policy and increasing opportunities to raise interest rates on federal funds to four times this year

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