The author's failure warns of a political escalation: the "forces" are flirting with Berri and the army – the Alankabout spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


Berri at Wednesday's parliamentary meeting

proved that the government was about to fail and entered indefinitely into the author political clash. In this atmosphere, which goes from dark gray to black, there is no hope that the government enters the stage of birth in the foreseeable future.

Such a path is dedicated to disobedient forces designed and designed to sensitize people to the government vacuum.

The strangest thing in this time of governmental obstruction is that those who provoke it are released from a crisis of solidarity and solidarity among themselves, refuse to acknowledge their inability to form a government, know that they belong to the same family as the previous governments. They did not offer it But the most important consideration is the contribution of all parties to the success of its mission, which first requires avoiding the negative and maintaining a calm atmosphere with positions and measures that serve that climate and pave the way for authorization as soon as possible.

A Misunderstanding
Perhaps the crux of the argument at the zero point is that the consultations that have taken place since Hariri's appointment to form a government do not resemble consultations that require a significant right . As the formation of a government, any government, but it has opened a path in which the powers of overlap on the government, President Michel Aoun or the President-designate, and the result "misunderstanding" began relations between the two presidents. The boards of directors of the parties express it clearly.

The Open Battles
Perhaps the most striking finding is that the consultations, with the conditions, the powerlessness and the contrasts, have reshuffled the political journals to the extent that political relations between certain parties At a level below zero, triggered a major political war between the "Free Patriotic Movement" and the "Lebanese Forces", and still because of the reasons that caused the fire, and the communication between them was only formative. Until extinguishing the wick, and

On a parallel line, the separation between the current and Walid Jumblatt deepens and a fire breaks out between the two parties: the current circles badure the republic that "She will never be silent about the repeated slanders that have been made. Jumblatt calls the President and the President of the Republic, while the President of the Progressive Socialist Party, according to his circles, "a battle that he considers existential, especially in the face of the party". purpose that monopoly, and does not recoil before Jumblatt on his request for exclusivity. . (19659006) Berri: No to paralysis
Bari: No to paralysis

Bari: No to paralysis

Berri: No to paralysis

And if President Nabih Berri, as he says in his circles for the "Republic", still warns against the time factor that is pressuring and warns of major risks for the country, if the delay persists and says that the country should not remain paralyzed Without a government of rescue, he hopes that the president's consultations will produce the pros and cons of breaking the cycle of complications

The problem remains the basis of Berri's vision of the current and forces, but he refuses to detail, especially in the exaggerated demands and conditions, but he understands the position of the deputy Jumblatt, further emphasizing that the Druze knot is less complicated A large part of the knot of forces and current. When asked, why not intervene to solve the knot? He says: Why do I intervene? No one has asked me to do it

The External Factor
The striking note in the context of the growing authoritarian crisis is the murmur that rises in some political councils on the presence of one. external factor that exacerbates the complexity of the government line. In this context, a political reference to the "Republic": There are many words of this kind, the complexity that opens the appetite to say everything, maybe true, and maybe not true, and I do not know yet Exists or does not exist. In any case in Lebanon, we are used to the fact that there is no secret: if we do not know it today, we will know it at another time.

The Party: Clear Criteria
However, an important source in Hezbollah, between the internal disturbance factor and an external regional factor. In this context, the sources of the Party declared to the Republic: The ball in the stadium of the appointed president, who must draw the data and seeks to turn the corners, and discuss with the President of the Republic and continue with the blocks and offers proposals and ideas. The government is formed and, for our part, we believe that it is better to have clear rules and clear criteria that apply to everyone, to the parliamentary blocs as well as to the people. political forces, so that all forces participate without exception in the government. First of all, it must be emphasized that the results of the elections "impose", which obliges everyone, without exception, to go down on the ground and not to remain in the circle of conditions and conditions. contrary


The war declared to the "Republic: I do not think that there is an effort to form a government, because none of the political parties concerned is seeking to form a government working for the benefit of the country, as far as Seeking to know what they could draw from the quotas

The Spinning of Forces – Berry
on a political line In parallel, it was noted that a sort of political spinning began to prevail on the line of the Lebanese Forces – Ain al-Tinah. It began on the eve of the election of the members of the parliamentary committees, when President Berri began covering the head of the "forces" of the Parliamentary Committee for Administration and Justice and entrusted his presidency to the MP George Adwan

. The forces participated in the weekly parliamentary meeting held by President Berri, MP Ziad Hawat, who participated in the meeting yesterday, for the second time.

At this meeting, Berri reiterated that until now there has been no change or new on the subject. Government formation, said: Two months ago, we wait

MP Hawat told Al-Gomhouria: "President Berri and deputies participating in the meeting stressed the importance of accelerate the formation of the government because of the economic crises. "

On the other hand, he stressed that the" forces "made the necessary concessions to the formation of the government and that they facilitate the task of the designated president and expect all parties to cooperate. "

The logic of the status of" veto ", no one has the right to put a" veto "on a sack wants to be D any more than the Election results are clear. "

In turn, the sources warned" the forces "that the delay in forming the government has negatively reflected on Lebanon and all Lebanese. . She told the "Republic" that the only way of the composition is to cooperate with the president-elect and to facilitate the task, but what happens otherwise, where the sticks are placed in the wheels of the president designated for a simple reason, because he wants to form a balanced government. The sources said that the goal was and is still to reduce the Lebanese forces, which have achieved an unexpected result for some.They decided to surround it and withdraw its victory from its content, which will only be not reached today or six months later. But will be reflected Q

In a related context yesterday, a delegation of troops visited the military commander, General Joseph Aoun, as part of periodic "forces" meetings with spiritual, political and military authorities. The delegation included the members of the "strong republic" bloc, the minister, the deputy Pierre Bou Asi, the deputy Georges Aqais, the deputy César Maalouf and the secretary of the bloc, Dr. Fadi Karam

The sources told the Republic: Aoun supports the Lebanese army, which embodies the sovereign title of the Lebanese state, and arm the army to strengthen it inscribed as part of its strategic objectives, as no country without an army could extend its control over all its borders and territory. fbAsyncInit = function () {

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