The Christian knot "Your place is in the wind" pending the meeting of Basil – Geagea


More than one Lebanese political source told Asharq Al-Awsat that the formation of the government would take extra time and would not be accelerated as long as the process of Christian representation between the Free Patriotic Movement and the Lebanese Forces in the government would wait for the dialogue between them On issues of political dispute in the translation of the understanding of Maarab, which emerged successively during the last year and a half of the term of President Michel Aoun

In this context, sources said "Lebanese Forces" of the "Republic". Is willing to compromise on the confidence that people have given him, and has a destination This is impossible, and there is a method of calculation that the "forces" will explain to Bbadil in detail.

The sources confirmed that the "forces" reject The negotiations will be long, difficult and arduous, but we will not back down: if the rotation is necessary, it means turning the angles on both sides, not a part to the other who considers himself a home, and the others give up.

The sources said, as much as we adhere to the dialogue that we adhere to And this file will take a thorough explanation between us and them: the forces will never accept the charge at every cross against the world. alliance, if it opposes the position of Bbadil. We are with the alliance in big headlines, but in the other titles, each party has a position corresponding to its convictions, and it is unacceptable that someone introduces himself to others and says that I am the locomotive and you are harvested

. In the Christian arena, agree on the consecration of the Christian reconciliation that took place in 2015 among them, then on the agreement of General Aoun to the presidency, but what s'. has pbaded in many cases, starting with the section electricity, justice and security, Parliamentary Elections [26] The sources say that the meetings between Riachi and the deputy, who is in charge of the government, Ibrahim Kanaan will intensify in the coming days in waiting for the return of Basil Travel, so refute all records and review the history of the relationship and the reservations of both parties on the behavior of the other.

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