The Clapper robot attracts customers with the charm of the magician


eBay Bay World Inc., based in Tokyo, launched a project funded by the current audience of Big Clapper 6, a cheerleader who sparks enthusiasm anytime and anywhere.

Big Clapper, designed specifically to entertain people uses technology to produce realistic voice applause with soft hands. He attracts people's attention with his natural voice, as he calls them in a soft voice. We can therefore expect to attract customers, to spread advertisements and to generate enthusiasm.

Android orders in Japan began in August 2017 and were initially limited to only 100 copies, but the number of orders exceeded expectations.

Bye Bay World's Big Clapper at Consumer Electronics Show 2018, the world's largest electronics show, has been a huge answer.

As product marketing is planned in the United States and in European Union countries, investors are required to start investing in the project on July 6 through public financing based on first-time sales. , in which the final product is presented to shareholders as a return on investment.

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