The collapse of roof parts and stairs of a building in the Al-Bass camp and the survival of its inhabitants


Three members of the Palestinian family, in the al-Bbad refugee camp, at the entrance to Tire, survived death or injury after the collapse of parts of the roof of their building in addition to a section of the building staircase. isMobile) {

The family members of Muhammad Abdul Majid, Sami and Jihad Zaidani were awakened by a group of people,

One of the residents of the house, Muhammad Zaidani, was responsible for the danger that had been exposed at home . The family members, because they had repeatedly sought their help in the restoration of the house, but did not answer. "

He appealed to UNRWA and camp officials to respond to his request and continue

He said," They promised me to UNRWA to renovate the and they said that my name was on the list of houses that would be restored. "He said that" the houses were broken and collapsed in the vicinity of the camp. my house is not the first and will not be the last, and the daily houses of the camp collapse, crack the roofs and crack the walls, injuring the citizens and causing material damage. "

The inhabitants of the building "UNRWA" Repair damaged homes, to prevent the danger to the lives of its residents, it is one of their most basic civil rights. "9008] function windowResize () {
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