The complications of the author … and the achievements of the Syrian army south – the location of the Al-Manar Canal – Lebanon


Lebanese newspapers are now focusing on the complexities of government formation and the tension in relations between the Free Patriotic Movement and the forces, and in the regional record on the achievements of the army Syria to the south where it reaches the border Naseeb with Jordan

The border with Jordan: the army to the pbadage of Nisib

In a relatively short period of time, the army and its allies imposed superiority on the southern fronts, translated back into the government. "Reconciliation", after me his arm on the ground. If Damascus has achieved one of the most important objectives of the military operations launched in the south, yesterday it was reestablished control of the border crossing with Jordan, which remained for more than three years in the hands of the armed factions . The return of the Syrian flag to the crossing, with its military and political symbolism, will also be an introduction during the restoration of the commercial movement through it, once the situation stabilized in the city of Daraa and its surroundings, a stability that will be achieved in a relatively short time,. With the completion of the reconciliation agreement for the city of Bosra al-Sham and surrounding area, and the entrance of the armed forces all border points between the Swaida and Naseeb campaign, completely closed the Daraa East rural file. The armed factions in the cities covered by the agreement are expected to complete the delivery of their heavy weapons, with a view to resolving the situation of the militants of arms and to expel those who reject the formula of "reconciliation" of the government to the north of Syria. An agreement on the fate of the eastern countryside has been achieved since the last round of negotiations, and began yesterday to materialize on the ground, committing to a ceasefire and the withdrawal of the border militants. at a depth of about 3 kilometers. It should apply its provisions relating to the delivery of heavy weapons and the settlement of the situation or deportation, together with the return of displaced persons to their homes, and to the entry of the internal security units as the first not towards the return of state institutions. The conclusion of the first points of this agreement, with the holding of a fifth round of negotiations between the delegation of the armed factions and the Russian side, led until last night to a preliminary agreement on a set of points. which can be the subject of a comprehensive settlement. In addition to the neighboring Quneitra countryside

These points do not differ significantly from the agreement on the Eastern Campaign, according to a statement issued by Southern Central Operations, which includes the operations rooms of the "East". ;Unification". "Remove the invaders", the delivery of heavy weapons and the means gradually "to return Z army to areas before the attack … with a commitment not to enter the armed forces and security and the sectarian militias "in cities covered by the agreement. It also provides for the return of displaced persons, the settlement of the conditions of armament, the guarantee of the civil and commercial movement, the return of the official institutions, the rapid dismantling of the file of the detainees and the abductees and the opening of the "migratory route" at Idlib.
Confirmation from the government side, which is supposed to be discussed with all the factions in the south, to come back and end the negotiations with the Russian side. According to the data available from these circles, there are internal differences between the factions on certain elements, which was reflected in the clashes on the Kenitra fronts yesterday, which resulted in a rejection of understandings that have been completed. On the governmental level, things seem clearer: either the factions accept the terms of the agreement and hand over their weapons, or the field is taken into account. In this context, the army took control of the city of Naima in the east of the city of Daraa and responded to faction attacks in the vicinity of the city of Baath, and s'. is shown willing to resolve the southern file militarily once negotiations are broken. While the requirement of "return of military forces in pre-attack areas" seems unachievable, the entrance of the military police and internal security forces is an alternative to combat units, which will naturally go towards the seam lines.

The five-year war without America turns into a pattern of nuclear understanding … Lavrov: We will find a solution
Syrian flag on the border with Jordan … Maarab postpones the formation of the government beyond the outside atmosphere

with confirmed sources of follow-up The Vienna talks on Iran's nuclear understanding, which included Iranian foreign ministers and foreign ministers five partner countries after the US withdrawal, have not succeeded, but the quintet has become an alternative institution to the five plus one formula. Is determined to find a solution to ensure that Iran remains under the roof of understanding, increase the proportion of trade with them and secure the appropriate financial means are not affected by US sanctions, while Europeans are asking for more time for Iran's position on the future of understanding is that the middle of this month will clarify the Iranian decision on the anniversary of the signing of the agreement , and that all options are equal between caution and prudence until the end of the year or announce progressive stages of modern centrifugation without increasing the rate of enrichment Reduce the level of cooperation with the company. 39; International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and announce the progress report of subsequent measures, in proportion to US sanctions and the scale of damage to the Iranian economy , including the s oil sales and revenues, including the control of oil exports.

On the war front in Syria, the Syrian Army has achieved a historic achievement represented by the crossing of the border with Jordan in the border town of Naseeb, raising the Syrian flag after a series of military victories on the southern front, the armed groups yielded to the terms of the settlement they had rejected, including the spread of the Syrian state and its institutions in the villages and towns of the south, including the city of Daraa . And the departure of the convoys of the militants who leave, crystallized the image of the southwestern front bordering the occupied Golan, where the confrontation with the organization and the factions has not yet joined the colony,

In Lebanon, the relationship between the Free Patriotic Movement and the Lebanese Forces has entered a phase of complexity with the launch of a campaign organized by the Tstad movement. The head of the current Foreign Minister, Gibran Bbadil, accusing him of deliberately sabotaging Maarab's agreement in the context of his presidential ambitions, and bearing the blame for the deterioration of relations at the Presidency, according to close sources, Before the formation of the government has become more than a response to the international climate of waiting, and could continue beyond, describing the position of the forces as the drop that broke the With the back of the camel, it became difficult to reform both teams as a condition for the birth of the government. The current will close the door to negotiations on the implications of Maarab and leave the prime minister the responsibility of drafting a representative representation of the forces applied to others, in addition to linking the existence of a particular case of the relationship between the current and the forces.

If the repercussions of the political bomb launched by the Lebanese Forces in the face of the patriotic movement complicated the political arena and complicated the government scene, communications and authorization meetings were absent with the presence of foreigners including President-elect Saad Hariri and Minister Gebran Bbadil. 19659006] and constitutes a step The political agreement between the Christian couple is about to collapse, and its results should appear on the course of the author to be started next week, putting the government in the midst of the conflict between the "current" and "the forces", but the direction of the national trend remained silent and silent in the footsteps of the methodical "escalation" forces.On the other hand, the forces took advantage of the Basile's absence to complete the bullets that did not escape President Michel Aoun's outbursts, but the hawks "hawkish" came back on the scene, as the ex-deputy Antoine Zahra, opposed to the agreement.

While Al-Binaa tried to contact more than one MP from the powerful Lebanese bloc to clarify the truth about what the Forces published on the Marab agreement, the answer was to stay silent and wait for the p official ublication Coming from the "mainstream" or the Lebanese block Wei. It is true that he is the President of the Republic, but he is well acquainted with the terms of the Marab agreement, which was not committed by the Party of Forces during the restoration of the government confidence. Yet the president insists on understanding and reduces spasm in the interest of all. Egypt is also seeking to form a government of national unity on the basis of parliamentary elections. "

Informed sources on the TV channel asked:" Why should the Free Patriotic Movement fight for the Lebanese Forces? "The next government has been attacking the latter since its inception."

The forces continued their escalating campaign against Bbadil, charging him with the responsibility to reverse the understanding of Mesopotamia. "Fedi Karam said on Twitter: "Feats of our ancestors and fathers, When you add it". Foreign Minister Gibran Bbadil brings before God first and Christians II and history III, the responsibility to reverse the understanding of Merab, which revived the Charter and embodied the balance between presidencies and partnership at the House of Representatives and Ministers,

Is the battle of the presidency between Geagea and Bbadil?

Political circles of "construction" revealed a decision of the command of forces to straighten the head of the current Gebran Bbadil to distort His image is f Christian street under the regime to cut the road to join Baabda in the next presidential elections and the evacuation of the arena to the President of the forces. On the other hand, sources close to Baabda have accused Lebanese forces of wanting to derail the Pact and enter into a contract to form the government that President Michel Aoun considers his first government, stressing that Saudi Arabia puts Lebanese forces in the face of the pact after not pushing President Saad Hariri clashes with Aoun for several reasons, Hariri refusing to break the relationship with Aoun, because he recognizes the need for truce Aoun across the era and in light of the current balance of power in the region and Lebanon to stay prime minister. The sources pointed out that "the purpose of the forces through the disclosure of the agreement is to justify the attack on President Aoun Christian," warning that "the disclosure of the secrets of the agreement will push the two parties to the political divorce and will open a long conflict between Basil and Geagea. She explained that "Aoun does not exceed the appointed president, but exercises his powers and can not form a government without his consent to the form of government and his political and parliamentary and sectarian balance."

node external

"Why do we want to deprive the six Sunni deputies from outside the Movement of the future of their representation in the new government?" Asked the deputy Abdel Rahim Murad in a television commentary: "They have the right to be represented and we hope that our demand will be satisfied."

A source on March 8 pointed out to "construction" that "lag in the Prime Minister clearly reveals that the node at "Alien is what the internal conditions are only an expression of the external pressure to report the author in order to show the scene in the region," he adds, "the bet on the Yemen is fast. "Lies between the external pressure of Saudi Arabia, which wants to preserve its interests and reposition itself in Lebanon, and the new parliamentary majority produced by the election results, which makes the president-elect weak and unable to take initiative and even exercise his powers. Friendly, because it would be without the umbrella of the Arabian Gulf and ". The source criticized the method of forming a government that takes into account quotas and sects instead of election results, "and that" the resistance team will return to its ministerial quota, which must not be less than 10 ministers. "The source cautioned against US pressure on the Lebanese government to make concessions on the issue of land and oil dispute between Lebanon and" Israel "and link the composition of these issues with the Weapon of resistance "

The Republic

 The Republic The current: the forces no longer have the right to Equality … and Composition in Complexities

Internal complications that internalize external complications, accompanied by increasing discussion in some circles that composition, because of these complications and other reasons , ser delayed by several months, corresponding to the expected words the birth of the government in the weeks and before Eid al-Adha maximum. However, what is implied by the people involved in the writing does not raise the expectation of the birth of the government, because the contract is determined by the quota level of this group of ministerial seats and the distribution of ministerial portfolios and the quality remains difficult to solve despite the report of the President of the Republic. What happens is the nature of the pre-creation phase, where the parties raise their claim caps to get the bargain they want.

The fate of the author's government continues to be complicated by various complexities, compounded by political convulsions. Consensus that the drivers of creation We await the return of President-elect Saad Hariri, as well as the commitment of all parties to the calm, especially on the front of the "Free Patriotic Movement" of the "Lebanese Forces", witness of the publication of so-called secret clauses of the "Maarab Agreement"

Amidst all the obstacles and decades of the creative process, several questions are looming on the horizon, including: The President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, will he put his hand on the dispute between the two Christian groups to solve the problems? What is Hariri's position? How is the new reality? What measures will it take?

Will he be able to do anything? And how will the leader of the "Strong Lebanon" bloc deal with Minister Gebran Bbadil the next step after everything that has happened between him and the "forces"? And how will the leader of the "Forces" party, Samir Geagea, treat the secret content of the "understanding of the Arabs"? If the truce is reached again, will it be engaged this time? Or will the rewrite remain in the title of the creation stage until new order, in case of failure?

The Party

As the conflict between the Free Patriotic Movement and the Lebanese Forces rages, attention has turned to Hezbollah and what it can do. The role of ending this conflict, sources close to him said "the Republic": "It is a dispute between the two political tendencies, and has nothing to do with the" Hezbollah "[19659004] The sources reiterated the need to accelerate the formation of the government. Party Secretary General, Sayyed Hbadan Nasrallah, announced the need to accelerate the formation of a government of expanded national unity taking into account the representation of all political components. to establish a link between the government and external rights is a pretext to justify the postponement of such paternity, "sources close to US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin have learned. "There is no doubt that a regional state plays some role in the delay of the composition, but just as we managed to make the presidential election a Lebanese issue, we must succeed in forming the government without outside interference.

Crisis and leave

As the weather is cloudy, the country P In the midst of political turmoil and political, financial and economic crises, political sources said that "it is normal that the officials are on vacation during the summer, but it is not natural to leave the country in an open government crisis ". These sources told Al-Gomhuriya: "No priority precedes the formation of the government: the summer is not the fugitive, the sea, the sun, the private planes or the yachts."

"The invocation of the natural deadline to form the government is unrealistic, but there is something natural, and it is natural to form the government." She spoke of "disgust of international authorities the delay of the birth of the government, which is what the president designated before his departure. "" Lebanon is delighted to hold international conferences to support it, conferences have been held, loans and grants are frozen pending the government which has not yet been formed. "

The current

Sources says" Free Patriotic Movement "of the" Republic ":" Lebanese Forces "is the violation of the" understanding of the Arabs "a disclosed the document that is supposed to remain confidential, especially since the principle of confidentiality in the agreements is a matter of substance.The violation accompanied a clear blackmail in case of non-response to quotas requested by the "forces," as if the agreement was signed for quotas, the basis of the agreement being to support the strong presidency and the pact and the state building.

Those who have been committed by the "forces", ranging from the failure to represent the Sunni community to the detention of President Saad Hariri and his resignation from Saudi Arabia, constitute a coup d'etat. State against the Covenant and a flagrant violation of sovereignty and national security.

About the seats The two parties were represented by three ministers and one ally of each: the parliamentary forces bloc had nine deputies, which meant that they represented only two ministers and the current bloc of 24 deputies

The forces obtained four ministers, including the Deputy Prime Minister, a custom on the part of the president. And now that the "forces" have broken the previous agreement, they can no longer claim the minimum because the agreement is not a food menu, we choose what we want only. Not to mention on the part of the president in paragraph (c) of the agreement, that the "forces" are trying to deny.

Sources arrested "supporting the army in the statement of intent, which contradicts the position of the" forces "against the US Army." (19659006), emphasizing the that the "forces" claim positions that the President of the Republic has always called, and that they would be considered as "What did not work by blocking the work of the Council of Ministers and correcting the the work of the Ministers of the "Free Patriotic Movement", not to mention the lack of commitment to stand for parliamentary elections, as stipulated by the President of the Republic Sub-paragraph f) of the Agreement

لمصادر: " بعد كل ما تقدم, هل يكون "التيار" هو من خرق التفاهم وأخل ببنوده أم "القوات", التي من الواضح انها تبحث عن محاصصة وأثمان ما لبثت ان أطاحت به بمجرد أن حساب اتها السلطوية لم تتوافق وبيدر مخططها?


 اللواء المأزق: هل تؤلف حكومة بإقصاء "القوات"?
إنهيار "تفاهم معراب" بعد إفتضاح بنوده ..

ما هي الاحتمالات بعد نشر "الورقة السرية" المخفية التي وقعها وزير الخارجية والمغتربين بوصفه رئيسا للتيار الوطني الحر ورئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع, على التأليف الحكومي? And by extension: Is it a government without troops? Is President-elect Saad Hariri a government without troops? وماذا إذا بلغ الصدام حدا من الممكن ان يلامس الدستور بين الرئيس المكلف ورئيس الجمهورية, وكلاهما دستوريا, يتعين ان يوقعا على مرسوم الحكومة العتيدة والبعيدة?
مرد هذه الأسئلة المشروعة عشية عودة الرئيس المكلف من "اجازة عائلية" كانت قصيرة, وعشية عودة الرئيس نبيه بري من "اجازة استجمامية" كادت ان تتأخر لو انطلق قطار التأليف قبل سفره, فضلا عن الإجازة التي شارفت على النهاية للوزير باسيل, والتي جمعت غالبية كتل الجسم السياسي على مناصبتها الابتعاد إن لم نقل الخصومة أو حتى العداء?
لا تخفي مصادر واسعة الاطلاع في بيروت, اعتقادها ان عملية الت Shakil is produced in stalemate? فالتيار الوطني الحر وكتلته (لبنان القوي) وحزب الله (وكتلته الوفاء للمقاومة) فضلا عن شخصيات نيابية تدور في فلك "تحالف مار مخايل" لا بأس عندهم, من تحول الحزب المسيحي الثاني, القوي إلى المعارضة, لكن هناك, وفقا لهذه المصادر, حسابات أخرى .. فالاتجاه لدى الرئيس المكلف ان لا حكومة لا تتمثل فيها "القوات اللبنانية" فضلا عن ان الدوائر "العونية" لا تتورع عن التأكيد على ان ثمة جهات قد تكون خارجية, أو من "وراء الحدود" يدفع بها وسواها إلى التصعيد لمنع التشكيل ? "(السؤال من مقدمة OTV الناطقة بلسان التيار الوطني الحر).
مع بداية الأسبوع, كشف مصدر مقرب ان حركة اتصالات واسعة سترافق عودة الرئيس الحريري المرتقبة خلال ساعات, لتذليل العقد.
وقال المصدر ل "اللواء" ان التنازلات ستكون مطلوبة لتسلك عملية التأليف طريقها ..
وجزم المصدر ان تشكيل الحكومة سيحصل, وان الرئيس الحريري سيعمل على احداث توازن, من دون ابعاد أو اقصاء أي مكون له تمثيل شعبي, اما مسألة المراسيم, فتحتاج إلى تفاهم الرئيسين (الرئيس عون والرئيس الحريري). [19659039] ماذا بعد التسريب?
وفيما بقي موضوع تأليف الحكومة "مكانك راوح" في ظل غياب المعنيين به, بدا واضحا حيال استمرار التجاذب بين "القوات اللبنانية" و "التيار الوطني الحر" ان لعلاقة بين الطرفين وصلت إلى نقطة اللاعودة, بعد ان عمد الطرفان إلى التنصل من تفاهمهما الموقع في معراب في 18 كانون الثاني من العام 2016 عبر تحمل مسؤولية نشره وتسريبه إلى الإعلام, الأمر الذي بات يحتم طرح السؤال عن الخطوة التالية التي قد تلجأ إليها "القوات "وما إذا كانت هذه الخطوة ستسهل تأليف الحكومة أو أن تعقدها أكثر ما هي عالقة حاليا أسيرة العقد المسيحية والدرزية.
وفي تقدير مصادر سياسية ان تسابق كل من" القوات "ومن ثم" التيار "على نشر نصوص تفاهم معراب والذي هو عبارة عن محضر اجتماع لقيادتي الطرفين المذيل بعبارة "سري للغاية", هو بمثابة إطلاق ر اصة الرحمة على الاتفاق, وأصبح بالتالي "لزوم ما لا يلزم" سواء على صعيد النقاط الكثيرة التي تم التفاهم عليها, في الحكم والادارة, أو على صعيد الاستمرار في مسيرة دعم العهد, الذي هو نتاج التسوية الرئاسية التي نسج خيوطها كل من الرئيس سعد الحريري . والدكتور سمير جعجع
وإذا كنت الحرب الإعلامية – السياسية هدأت نسبيا, ولكن من دون ان تتوقف نهائيا, بين "التيار" و "القوات" اتجهت الأنظار أمس, إلى موقف الوزير علي حسن خليل الذي لوح فيه بالمطالبة بزيادة حصة الثنائي الشيعي إذا لم يتم توحيد معايير توزيع الحصص على القوى السياسية, الا ان مصادر متابعة اعت ب رت ان موقف خليل هو نوع من التحذير من المماطلة في لعبة عض الأصابع وتحديد معايير متباينة لتشكيل الحكومة, فيما بدا ان حرب ركني "تفاهم معراب" من شأنها ان تعيق أكثر تشكيل الحكومة, خاصة في غياب أي تواصل مباشر بين الطرفين, حيث رفض الوزير المكلف التفاوض مع "التيار" ملحم رياشي, ردا على سؤال ل "اللواء" حول مصير مساعي التهدئة, الدخول في أي موقف مكتفيا بالقول "أنا مش عم أحكي."
وبحسب المصادر السياسية نفسها, فإنه يفترض بالاطراف المنغمسة في الحروب, السياسية والإعلامية, ان تتحمل مسؤولياتها وتشارك في تذليل العقبات والعقد امام تشكيل الحكومة, بدل الاس م رار في خوض حروب عبثية, والا فإن التشكيل قد يصبح في مهب الريح, ولا يعد هناك من مدى معروف أو أفق لموعد ولادة الحكومة العتيدة.
وكان اللافت, أمس, تسريب "التيار الحر" للنص الكامل لتفاهم معراب, عبر محطة LBC وكان بمثابة رد على تسريب "القوات" لفقرات معينة من التفاهم عبر محطة MTV أمس الأول, لكن المحطة الأولى عمدت إلى اجراء قراءة سياسية للتفاهم من منظور "التيار العوني" ومن دون ان يكون معزولا عن إعلان الرئيس الحريري دعمه لترشيح زعيم "المردة" سليمان فرنجية, ومن ثم تحميل رئيس "القوات" سمير جعجع مسؤولية خروجه عن الاتفاق الذي جاء بالتسوية الرئاسية م ن خلال تأييده استقالة الرئيس الحريري من الرياض, الأمر الذي اعتبره الرئيس عون خروجا عن التسوية.
وبحسب ما نشرته المحطة على موقعها الالكتروني, يقع تفاهم معراب في أربع صفحات, ويتألف من بنود عدة أبرزها العمل على احترام الطائفة السنية في العهد الرئاسي لدى اختيار رئيس الحكومة تبعا لقاعدة تمثيل الاقوياء لطائفتهم.
كما تناول توزيع المقاعد المسيحية في مجلس الوزراء, ومن ضمنها السيادية والخدماتية, مناصفة في كل حكومات العهد وذلك بعد احتساب الحصة المسيحية التي جرت العادة ان تكون لرئيس الجمهورية, والتي سار جدل حولها في الاونة الاخيرة.
وت نا ل الاتفاق كذلك الانتخابات النيابية, فأقر قانون انتخاب يعتمد النسبية, واكد خوض الانتخابات سويا على ان يتولى كل من التيار الوطني الحر والقوات اللبنانية امر حلفائهما.
وحتى توزيع مراكز الفئة الاولى تناولها اتفاق معراب, الذي شدد على توزيعها بالاتفاق بين الطرفين وفقا لمعايير الكفاءة والنزاهة, من دون ان يتطرق الى موضوع المناصفة, على ان ركيزة الاتفاق الاهم هو ان تكون الكتلتان مؤيدتين لرئيس الجمهورية العماد ميشال عون, وعاملتين على انجاح عهده, وهذه النقطة بالذات هي التي يركز عليها "التيار العوني" ويخوض كل معاركه رافعا شعاراتها, في حين ان «ال قوات» تصر على التمييز بين الرئيس عون وبين رئيس التيار الوزير جبران باسيل، حيث اعتبر النائب السابق عن «القوات» انطوان زهرا ان محاولة «تزعيم» باسيل لن تكون ولن تأتي على حساب القوات، وقال: «نحن نحترم وجوده، لكن عليه ان يعلم حجمه الطبيعي». نافيا ان يكون اتفاق معراب ألغى سائر الأحزاب والشخصيات المسيحية الأخرى، مشيرا إلى ان جزءا من الاتفاق ينص على إعطاء حصة لرئيس الجمهورية على ان تتوزع الحصص المتبقية بالتشاور مع الحلفاء.
حذر زهرا من أي محاولة لاحراج «القوات» بغية اخراجها، جازما بأنها ستبقى «أم الصبي» لكنها لن ترضى بأن يعيش هذا الصبي داخل ميتم». مشددا على ان «القوات» لن تقبل الا بتمثيل فاعل وقوي داخل الحكومة، وسنشارك بفعالية، وسنتمثل بما نستحق وما على باسيل الا تنفيذ الاتفاق.
اما مصادر «التيار الوطني الحر»، فقد اكتفت بالتأكيد ردا على نشر «القوات» لتفاهم معراب، على ان المصالحة المسيحية حيّة، وان تفاهم معراب لم يمت، لافتة إلى ان ما حدث مساء أمس الأوّل، لا يفسد في الود قضية، أقله من جانب التيار» بحسب ما جاء في مقدمة نشرة اخبار محطة O.T.V.
واستغربت المصادر اتهام باسيل بخرق الهدنة الإعلامية في مقابلته التلفزيونية الأخيرة، وأكدت ان ما قاله في المقابلة هو نفسه ما ردده مرارا من خرق للتف اهم من قبل «القوات» في عرض لنقاط الخلاف وما شاب العلاقة بين الطرفين طوال الفترة الماضية.
وردا على ما ورد، في نص الاتفاق لجهة تقاسم الوزارات والمواقع الرسمية بين الطرفين، وهي النقطة المركزية في الاشتباك الحكومي، أشار الوزير السابق غابي ليون إلى ان المناصفة والتشارك يطبقان عندما تكون «القوات» داعمة للعهد، لكن عندما تكون الوظيفة الوحيدة لوزرائهم «الحرتقة» على العهد ففي ذلك نقض الاتفاق، بدليل موقفهم من خطة الكهرباء».

المصدر: صحف

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