The continuous choking between the dog's river and the river of death … Who's responsible? The Alankabout Spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


Salco is waiting for the Metn coast, the coast of February 2019, carrying a "Verg". But many fear that this deadline marks the end of the work of the bridge of the Lebanese bridge "Al-Dib". From 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, the work is done Why is the implementing authority not working 24 hours a day to complete the project before this date? A pity for the citizen, especially as traffic on the Dbeih Road increases. Add to this the bottling. When will officials and the people concerned know what has happened? "

" Death before the death of death, "says the driver in their cars on the highway from downtown Beirut to the Casino du Liban – Ghazir, especially between the river and the dog. If your luck is sweet, the electronic guidance panel at the dog's river tells you that traffic is heavy from debate or Antelias to the river of death, while traffic can start ruins, the rueal bridge or even the river of the dog. An area no more than a few kilometers, crowded with cars and citizens exhausted by suffocating Mr. traffic, this branch of negative repercussions on the Lebanese and on the state, but the "valley of the shepherds and the valley of the herds."

During the first months of the current year was added to the "Ajqh crowd". After the decision to build the bridge of Jal al-Dib since the removal of the old iron bridge because of the danger of collapse, the bridge was built in August 2017. Traffic has increased with the beginning of a new phase of work in February 2018

As if the rule of "security or freedom" was reflected in other rules, the Lebanese suffer before having obtained his law. Here, the equation seems to be a "bridge or a cliff". However, despite the stifling traffic jam, the Jal Al Deeb Bridge remains a fundamental requirement not only for the inhabitants of Deeb and Metn, but also for any citizen who drives this road or suffers to enter Antelias. or the Death River to reach and surround the Deeb Valley. Jell al-Deeb is the only branch of the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the Lebanese University throughout Lebanon.

The authorities concerned are expected to accelerate the construction of the bridge and complete the work before Christmas and the New Year., Which is the "greatest concern" for the Lebanese … The "Shati point" closes the roads and drowns, adding to traffic jams before the holidays, and to the work traffic, all the more so as "the state is always late" in the performance of its duties. Near?

Although Y Minister of Public Works and Transport Youssef Fenianos explained to the "Republic" that the Ministry is not interested in the work of the bridge and the body of the wall and this file under the auspices of the Council for Development and Reconstruction. That exceeded its capacity for absorption, "pointing out that," at the beginning of the works, four lane maintenance in each direction was carried out at all stages of traffic conversions adopted on the highway . "

And 18 hours, according to the contract between the Council for Development and Labor ends on 23/2/2019, that is to say after the holidays, which means that it There is no "Faraj" 7 months ago.

Is there any hope of going out before this date? On the citizens? Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR) notes that "it is expected that the hours of work will be increased in the following phases and according to the requirements of the project, with a view to accelerating the implementation of the work."

Were the roads studied before starting the work Why are the alternative roads not secured?

The Council answers: "The works are carried out according to the specifications mentioned in the specifications and according to the project schedule After receiving answers and objections regarding the shape of the bridge, the two L-shaped bridges were adopted in accordance with Cabinet Resolution No. 111 from 4 to 5 – 2017. The Board explains The purpose of these two bridges is to ensure the entry and exit of the area located to the east. from the highway to the west of the highway and regulate local traffic by establishing a service road along the highway east highway. To drive the bridge to the traffic jam,

Homeland Security: "What is at hand a ride"

The hysterical traffic is not limited to the highway but its only extends to the maritime route and the internal roads.

In February, the General Directorate of Internal Security Forces announced that to complete the work at the Jal al-Deeb intersection, the contractor had made several transfers to Mahalla and closed a barge of each From the east and west routes, keep four lanes for each route. Citizens were asked to take the flag, to comply with the instructions of the members of the Internal Security Forces and their instructions, as well as the signs posted on site, to facilitate traffic and prevent overcrowding. Congestion of traffic, thus increasing the curse of citizens, especially with the high temperatures that increased the "mud".

And why the lack of elements of the Internal Security Forces to regulate the pbadage of cars, a source of security for the "Republic" The work that is taking place there. "

The source explains that" the ISF performs its duties and enforces the law, but this case is out of its control, and it is only completed when it is over. The completion of the construction of the Jal al-Deeb bridge and the reopening of all highways, all the more so as the number of vehicles crossing this area is very important. "

" The bridge is a gift? "

Al-Deeb-Bqnaya engineer, Raymond Attieh, told the" Republic "that" this traffic is not the result T Jal El Dib, the four Fajtoot Autostrad opened Almslkin, on the whole road style, "pointing out that Mslki Autostrade Jounieh, for example, consisted of only two lines." Recalling that "we worked so hard to build the Jell Bridge al- Deeb ", he believes that" the response to the traffic on the Jal al-Dib highway works is fictitious and propaganda. "Empty, there are no barriers to both roads and the road n & nbsp; Was not closed because of the construction of the bridge, even once since the beginning of the works. "

Ask:" Is the Gelib bridge responsible for congestion? "An entry to our sheep and no one can prevent us from getting that right. " He emphasizes that "the work is done as it should and with the speed required". "The work will be completed after five months, and the residents of Jal al-Deeb, Antelias and other safe areas will visit the Jal al-Deeb Bridge throughout the coming period."

Permanent Solution

The Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR) reported that "a new coastal road was planned west of the present Dabia road in Beirut and approved by Decree No. 13603 of 20/10/2004. " The expansion of the current road requires the demolition of adjacent buildings in both directions at a high cost of acquisition.

True H that congestion between the river and the dog-dog river, especially on the road of the is increased with the beginning works on Autostrade Jal El Dib, but it is a long and old suffering ' Pre Works ". The coast of the Lebanese coast is a continuous line in most of its areas, and an incident in Beirut leads to a traffic jam beyond Jounieh.

One of these cases caused the presence of a body in the middle of the road, (19659003) Most coastal road lines were established in the late 1950s under the presidency of Camille Chamoun, when the number of cars did not reach the age of 20 years. Alpha, while there are about two million cars in Lebanon Day, no longer make up the highway this large number of cars, and there is an urgent need to create a new alternative Autostrade, or the expansion of the current highway. Citizens hope that this project will be one of the priorities of the next government, especially after the introduction of more than one project by previous governments, some of which are inapplicable.Some have seen the fate of " "imprisonment" in the drawers with hundreds of projects. – Rakil Ateeq

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