The deadline is open, it suggests that Hariri's mandate has been withdrawn.


Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri is seen at the Government Palace in Beirut, Lebanon, on October 24, 2017. Photo taken on October 24, 2017. REUTERS / Mohamed Azakir

The largest number of experts Constitutional bademblies meet on the existence of a fundamental loophole in the Lebanese constitution, which helps to delay the formation of the government and allows the various parties to lift the ceiling of their claims, namely that the constitutional articles n & # 39; 39, do not address a specific period. The appointment of Prime Minister Saad Hariri to form the first government after the elections of May 2018 has not started yet. A defect that delays the formation of governments every time. President Tammam Salam set a record of 11 months until the formation of his government.

The main political parties still respect their ministerial requirements, some of which have recently become a "decade" Delaying the configuration. The "Strong Lebanon" bloc insists that all forces must be represented "according to their parliamentary size", while the Lebanese Forces insist on getting a parallel share of the bloc's quota, based on a agreement signed by both parties in 2016, about a week ago. The "progressive socialist" party also clings to the entire Druze quota of the government, in exchange for the insistence of the leader of the Lebanese Democratic Party, MP Talal Arslan, to get one of the three seats ministers, supported by the President and Hezbollah.

And people close to the Shiites and Syrians recently waving the paper withdrawn from Hariri's mandate, including the deputy Jamil al-Sayyid, and dealing with scenarios that seemed "constitutional case law" to talk about the commission are still verbal and so explosive in case of progress of 65 deputies, Half of the number of more MPs late, demanding a parliamentary petition has ordered a new personality. However, sources close to the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, completely denied what had circulated on the legal studies envisaged in order to withdraw the mandate, saying in a statement to the "Middle East" that "this Is not at all today or tomorrow ".

The two former ministers, Ziad Baroud and Shakib Qortbawi, are of the opinion that there is no reliable constitutional provision that would remove the mandate from the Prime Minister and that all that is distributed in this area aims to put pressure President Awn and Hariri complete the formation of the government

The former Minister of the Interior and Legal Ziad Baroud, that the only constitutional gap that can be discussed and must be considered related to the lack of determination of the Constitution deadline for the completion of the training process, calling for the introduction of a constitutional text that controls training within a time, [19659003] Baroud said in a statement to Asharq al-Awsat that "the request to include in the constitution additional articles that speak of specific criteria to be adopted in the process of paternity, is totally unacceptable as it is Each encroachment on the powers of the appointed prime minister and the President of the Republic and makes them only the signatories of the decree ". "The criteria are set by the two presidents according to the political plan, alliances and interests of the country."


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