The design of the six-year-old hunter Al-Bina Journal


A source in the Russian military industry said that the Russian "hunter" drone could become the prototype of the sixth generation fighter.

The specification of the sixth-generation fighter is not yet clear, but it will be unmanned. Which will be equipped with artificial intelligence techniques.

The source explained that the Russian "fisherman" will take off and return to the base itself. The operator will decide on the use of weapons, the only function that the fisherman can not perform alone.

Russian media reported earlier that the Russian company, Sukhoi, was designing a heavy system,



Dron The hunter is at the base of the design of the sixth generation fighter
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A source in the Russian military industry said that the Russian hunter "hunter" could become the prototype of the sixth generation hunters.
A source in the Russian military industry said that the Russian "fighter" Dron could become the prototype of the sixth generation fighters. The specifications of the generation fighter
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