The diet helps to get rid of cancer Health


Nature reports that the diet of the "ketone diet" improves the action
Brain and muscle, and also helps cancer drugs to destroy tumors
An article from a group of scientists, from the Mayer Cancer Center in New York, led
Benjamin Hopkins: "Such an effect of the ketone diet has consequences
Chemotherapy makes us think of how to help some therapeutic traditions as a dropper
(Glucose) and eat foods high in sugar or glucocorticoids
On the resilience of cancer patients. "
The so-called" ketone diet ", is spreading rapidly today, among fitness enthusiasts
Physical and sports. This diet is characterized by food systems
Other, that the main source of calories, not in carbohydrates, but in
Fat and Proteins This change forces the brain and other organs into the body
Do not use glucose, but fatty acids and ketones as the main source
This system forces the muscles and brain cells to move to function according to the system
Special special "energy saving", which makes the muscles more durable and the brain
More resistant to aging

For this reason, the "ketone diet" is particularly prevalent today between
Cyclists, Marathon Runners and Other Sports Enthusiasts
Which requires endurance.

Hopkins and his colleagues found an unexpected new use of this diet,
During their study of the behavior of cancer cells generated by one of the largest mutations
The most common is the damage of PI3KCA gene. This section of the DNA, responsible for the transfer
Different signal molecules inside cells, causing these "reprogramming" damage
Molecules, and makes them permanently collapse.

Scientists have recently discovered that the level of activity PIK3CA,
Insulin and glucose in the cell – the higher the amount of hormone is high
This gene has become more active. This prompted the group of scientists to conclude that
Curbing and encircling the work of this gene, its badociated protein can make cells
Cancer is more sensitive to chemotherapy.

But the effect of materials inhibits the action
PI3KCA was only temporary for several hours. This happened because the body reacted to these
The article summarizes the increased production of insulin and glucose that is what makes the body's cells
"Ignore" the drug molecules. This problem has been overcome by using
The diet mentioned above with Gliflozin medicine allowed him to get rid of all
The negative side effects that accompanied the PI3KCA inhibitory process

In the near future, Benjamin Hopkins and his colleagues will perform tests
On humans to check the effectiveness and safety of this method of controlling the tumor and disease
Cancer in humans.

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