The dissolution of the druze representation node facilitates the solution of the rest of the contract


MP Elias Boussab told the Major General what is said about the adoption by President-elect Saad Hariri of the demands of the Progressive Socialist Party and the Lebanese Forces: "According to my information, Prime Minister Hariri 39, gave no approval to Walid Jumblatt or to us or to any party.His claims and does not adopt any request did not take the point of view of a team against a team, but has listened to the demands of everyone working to meet those demands. "

Bousab explained: Everyone believed that the basic node was the Christian complex and" Troops ", but the fact that the base node was since the beginning was Jumblatt's adherence to the Druze representation, but no one wanted to publicly declare the truth of the knot. Note that the resolution of the Druze representation complex facilitates the resolution of the rest of the contract, especially the node representing the Lebanese Forces. But it is unacceptable that Jumblatt limits the Druze representation, that there is no unilateralism in the sectarian representation, that no team declares cutting off its sect, neither Shia nor Christian , nor Sunni, only Walid Jumblatt wants to reduce the representation of the Druze. "

Saad Hariri
Walid Jumblatt
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