The first image of Maggie Bou Ghosn after the health disorder "What is sweeter than the grace of true laughter


Books – Bahaa Hijazi:

The Lebanese artist Maggie Bou Ghosn posted on her Twitter profile the first photo after suffering from a health problem that forced her to enter l & # 39; hospital.

Maggie commented on the picture "What's sweeter than the grace of real laughter … I love you so much and I've lost you."

The artist Maggie Bou Ghosn has published her official Twitter account "Between the minute and the second .. And two o'clock .. The doctor who was responsible for my condition canceled the operation that I Had to do with the last minute .. Thanks for your love and your prayers, thanks for everything "

" What's in the sweetest blessings of real laughter? " Moved Site (Masrawy)
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