The government depends on the relationship between "current" and "forces"


More than a political source, it is no secret that government formation will take longer and will not be as fast as the complex of Christian representation between the free patriotic movement and the forces Lebanese will wait for dialogue between them on issues of political disagreement An agreement that has emerged successively for a year and a half of the term of President Michel Aoun.

The two main groups on the Christian scene, according to sources close to their understanding of the newspaper "Life," agree to consecrate the Christian reconciliation that took place in 2015 between them, and then in the agreement on support from General Aoun to the presidency. Many of the party related to electric boats, which insisted on "free movement" until the administrative, judicial and security appointments, who complained of "excluding" the forces, although the The Marab agreement provides for equality between the two teams in the legislative elections which broke out and competed strongly. , It imposes a revision Which Minister of Information Melhem Riachi agreed with the head of the "free trend" Minister Gebran Bbadil on the approach, in light of the results in search of government actions contested.

Sources say that meetings between Riyashi and MP Ibrahim Kanaan will intensify in the coming days until Basil returns from travel, to refute all the records and review the history of the relationship and reluctance of both parties on the behavior of the other.


                             Spelling words
Free Patriotic Movement
Michel Aoun
Parliamentary elections
Gibran Basil
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