The government is coming soon … The Hariri trip does not mean that there is a crisis


Nazih Najm, a Bloc member of the future, said that President-elect Saad Hariri's trip abroad had nothing to do with forming the government, and that He was going to Spain for a working visit. Graduation ceremony of his son Hossam Eddin.

Surprised star in a statement to the Kuwaiti "political" newspaper, some speak of a crisis that is delaying the formation of the government. He added that training in a country like Lebanon would take time: "Do not forget that in Lebanon there are 18 sects and parties that exceed the number of sects, and of course there are conditions and agreements imposed by political forces.

A Hariri source expressed his optimism about the formation of the government before the end of the month, describing the meeting with Minister Gebran Bbadil as excellent, and did not notice the deputies attending the meeting, contrary to what some media have reported. Between the two men. The talks held by Minister Ghattas Khoury and MP Elias Bou Saab also focus on the resolution of the decade.

The Danish words
Saad Hariri
Gibran Basil

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