The Hotel Du Hospital performed a sit-in with the medical corps to condemn the attack of the head of the emergency


The hospital of the Hôtel de Dieu-de-France performs a sit-in of the medical corps in the presence of the chief physician Raymond Sayegh, the head of the private hospitals Suleiman Haroun, the president of the Red Cross Lebanese Dr. Antoine Zoghbi, President of the God Hospital, Jesuit Father Joseph Nbadar

Doctors, nurses, residents and staff met on Thursday, July 13, 2018 in the lobby of the. Hospital, condemning the attack of the head of emergency, Dr. Shadi Sabbagh, Monday, July 16. His word, pointed out the captain of the children "This event is based on a brutal and indiscriminate badault of a patient towards a doctor.He pointed out that this event is the third of its kind this month. the intensive care unit of the Roman Hospital and the urgency of Baalbek, the medical profession was the victim of similar attacks.The Minister called for strengthening security measures and punishment of badaults verbal and physical, emphasizing that the Minister of Justice, Mr. Salim Griissati, will pay particular attention to this issue

.The head of the hospital's medical council Hotel-Dieu Hospital, Dr. Elias Chalala, pointed out that the patient's relationship with his doctor is a relationship of trust and respect strained for many reasons, He has a permanent hospital ready to provide all his medical services and to perform his professional duties since the days of the war up & # 39; to today

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