The housing crisis .. Which inhibits the appetite of banks?


The mortgage crisis was solved in cooperation with the banks, who played a role in the scenes of the crisis and were one of the reasons to stop it indirectly by granting soft loans to non-eligible people with low incomes. Currently, the subsidized loan crisis is a tax exemption for banks in return for subsidizing housing loans through the Public Housing Corporation. According to the proposed law on the resolution of the housing credit crisis, there is no specific support since the law provides for only 5% of state-subsidized benefits through reductions in the number of people living in the country. ; taxes. Criticism and expert observations have been questioned by others. The first example of economics professor at the American University, Gad Shaaban, is "the total abandonment of the state's function of securing the living conditions of citizens and their permanent orientation to give the private sector a better idea of ​​the public sector ". Given the fact that most banks belong in whole or in part to the Authority, he believes that it belongs neither to banks nor their responsibilities to resolve the crisis of residential property, but that the right to housing pbades through integrated policies,

Shaaban is denounced To continue to involve banks in securing the basic needs of citizens, support for education through educational loans and support productive sectors go through guarantees. Today, housing support goes directly through the banks. The most important concern of the proposed solution, according to economic expert Ghazi Wazni in an interview with the "cities" is that it gives the power to spend to banks which can open the appetite for give very large loans to the detriment of public revenue of the state, Is this a tax reduction of the value of support. It is my weight that the granting of the validity of the expenses of the banks violates the principle of the allocation of the general budget law, and the control of the complete record of home loans

Offered for a solution to the housing loan crisis In an "urban" discourse, considering that banks are the only ones currently having the financial capacity to lend to housing and to others, the biggest task remains for the regulatory bodies, in particular, the Banking Supervision Committee, which must exercise effective and precise control.

Despite the indirect correlation between loan interest and interest on deposits, banks have the right to leave a profit margin, but control of the lending mechanism and the size of the loan. Interest and ceiling limit, account Or the process of linking housing badistance to tax reduction for banks is purely a "case".

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