"The International Bank of Arab Bankers" honors banks with the 2018 Awards of Excellence


The International Union of Arab Bankers organized for the fourth year in a row the Arab Bank Excellence and Achievement Award for the year 2018, held in the Lebanese city of Beirut last Friday. presence of a large crowd of Egyptian and Arab banking leaders. The Arab Bankers' Association, which is now a reference and spokesperson for Arab bankers, has more than 550 active members and more than 300 badociate members representing various banking professions in the Arab world and the country of expatriation.

million. Wissam Fattouh, Secretary General of the International Federation of Arab Bankers, welcomed the fact that Mr. Wissam Fattouh honored the banking institutions for their contribution and advancement to the society and the improvement of the industry Arab banking and finance at a professional level. He has received the Award of Excellence and Achievement for the year 2018. Seven Egyptian banks have received the following awards: –

The National Bank of Egypt: Best Arab Bank for the Year. year 2018 in terms of contribution to social and social development The award was received by Mr. Akef Maghrabi, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank.

Arab Investment Bank: The award was received by Mr. Mohamed Hani Saif Al-Nasr, President and Chief Executive Officer

Cairo Bank: (Best Egyptian Bank in Microfinance and Financial Inclusion) Prize received by Mr. Sharif Rehab , Administrator

Housing and Development Bank: (The Best Arab Bank Housing Specialist of the Year 2018) Awarded by Mr. Hasan Ghanem, Vice President and General Manager

United Bank Receives the best Islamic product for Sharia-compliant "Rakha" Fund Awarded by Mr. Faraj Abdul Hamid, Vice-President

Suez Cbad Bank Receives Mr. Haitham Al-Kursali's "Excellence in Banking in Customer Service" Award , General Manager of Financial Services and Investment.

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